The Welcome Sweet Baby Giveaway

I’ve been keeping a little secret for quite some while now and today is the day to fill you all in on the details! In celebration of my sweet little baby who’s currently baking away third trimester style I’ve partnered with 10 amazing shops and companies to give one of you a bevy of amazing products and […]

This + That

If you hate Fall. Please, just go away. Fall is the most magical kind of year and I just love and adore it! As Jemma says, “You’re just a Fall girl, Mama!” And it’s true :) Above, we’ve got my latest pumpkin love, Pumpkin Smash from Jamba Juice. And below, just a little this + […]

Dark Rising and All the Other Books I Devoured This Summer

Back when I decided to read 12 books this year I thought I was hitting the ball outta the park when it comes to making realistic goals. I mean, I was a mom of two when midnight struck on December 31, 2014, I had hopes of getting pregnant in the coming year and my freelance […]

Three Diono Radians In Mama’s Minivan

When Dominic and I were having conversations about a third child one of my main convincing points was that we only truly needed one thing – a third car seat. So pretty much, this baby would be our super budget baby :) Practically free! When it comes to car seats I’m a bit of a […]

This & That

Oh, yes, some little things about summer are truly beautiful. ^^^ exhibit A. Sublime + thrifty decorating tips. What you need to eat this summer. This mama. Just adore her. She’s got style. Read it in 2 days. AND #5 COMES OUT NEXT YEAR! We loved this movie. Now I love it even more. Too […]

This & That

We made it to Friday, friends! Such a victory for me these days. This Friday is extra special though because after my daily nap I’m heading out to coffee with a friend and then dinner with another! It’s sunny and an iced decaf followed by potato pizza drizzled with truffle oil seems massively in order. […]

The Love List

I’ve got lots of love for these mamas. But even more love for the products that have been born out of their creativity! Cross my heart, you’ll love them all too! MADRE BEADS I was lucky enough to join Lacy and her venture at Madre Beads as an ambassador. It’s been so fun to get […]

The Next Book You Need To Read

We’re all on the young adult fiction train, correct? It’s one train I don’t plan to ever get off of anytime soon. I’m pretty sure I’ll be 80 years old and traipsing my way into the bookstore to find the latest and greatest teen novels :) It started with Twilight, then Hunger Games and Divergent […]

This + That

 Spring Break has arrived and with that new porch plants, room swaps (my nemesis and constant companion) and a busy, busy, super busy week! My calendar looked at me and rolled its eyes. I told it to suck it up. What does it expect? For me to be on a beach somewhere? That was so […]

This + That

  Folks. My days, I’m guessing like yours, are really quite boring. There are many, many special little bits that make them awesome, but for the most part … they’re just normal. And I’m learning, normal is grand. Weeks, when I look at my calendar and see nothing. I smile. That has been this week. […]

Perfect Pins

 One /// Two /// Three /// Four /// Five Pinterest is still one of my most favorite things. I’ve given up on accomplishing it all, and rather, am content just to browse as my down time. And hence, being on vacation I’m doing a fair share of pinning. It has sparked some ideas that I’ll […]