Jem is living up her tummy time right now. She is starting to do this silly inchworm thing where she buries her head into the ground and sticks her booty in the air, then wiggles like crazy in an attempt to scoot around. We are so far from having a baby proof house. Slow down […]
4 Months

Milestone stickers c/o Sticky Bellies What a big girl we have! Jemma had her 4 month appointment on Monday and turned 4 months old on Wednesday. She is our greatest joy and we fall in love with her sweet personality more and more each day. She loves to have babbling conversations which are peppered with […]
We found Mary Poppins, and no, you can’t have her
On Thursday night I hit a big mama milestone – I left Jem with her first non-family member so Dominic and I could go on a date. This wasn’t just any non-family member, it was Jemma’s lovely nanny! I’m heading back to work in February and we wanted Jem and her nanny to have some […]