Car Seat Installation

We are about ready to get a new, family-size car. Well, new to us at least :)

You know what that means?

It’s about time to get the car seat out of the box and get it properly installed! Thanks to Fit Pregnancy I have a guide to hand over to Dominic for the big event. Here are the step-by-step instructions.

Any other car safety advice for a new mama to be?

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  1. Anonymous says

    Hi Mama, I am a new follower to your blog. Congratulations on your pregnancy and the upcoming arrival of your new baby! Your blog is fabulous. I really admire how much thought and consideration you are giving everything as you prepare for parenthood. Here is a link to a blog that has some good car seat info on it. She has some other topics on her blog that you might enjoy as well. to you, Kristi

  2. Chelsea Dickens says

    Installation & proper use are most important. It's a good idea to go to a clinic to make sure it's installed correctly in your individual vehicle. When we graduated from our infant seat the techs informed us that the base was of no use & used pool noodles go get the angle right, something we would have never learned from the manual. We also practice extended rear facing with our kids – you can never be too safe, IMO.

  3. says

    Get it in early, you don' want to be fussing with it when you're coming home from the birth center. We also did extended rear facing. We only turned him around when he got too long (feet were touching the back of the seat).