• Big Orange Box Set
  • 2024 Holiday Gift Guide
  • The Merriest Matches
  • Five Favorites: Summer Edition
  • Back to School with Smile Zemi

Mini Style File — Minnetonka Kids

I wish you could have all heard the gasp of excitement when Jemma opened her package from Minnetonka. Girl couldn’t have been more excited to see purple boots.  “Mom! They’re purple! My most favorite color in the whole WILD world! How did they know?!?” I’ll always love that she says “whole wild world” … I can’t bear […]

This + That

The calendar has finally turned to November and Jemma is slowly but surely realizing that it is no longer her birthday season. It’s rough to be here, I tell ya. November is such a dreary month for little 4 year olds who don’t like turkey.  Mid-October we had a Pancakes and Ponies Party. My Little […]

Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Today Dominic and I are starting the 21 Day Fix.  I’m hesitant to even say so, because, well, what if I quit? Or eat an entire bag of chocolate covered sea salt almonds? Or order a pepperoni pizza as midnight nears?  It’s out there in the universe now. For 21 days I’ll be all whole foods, […]

Vote On My Minted Holiday Cards + a Giveaway

I smite the beginning of Christmas season when it appears everywhere before Thanksgiving. But, let’s be real, some things take time and energy beyond the month of December. Exhibit One … HOLIDAY CARDS. Shall we focus on that gem of a project today? Yes, yes we shall.  Without a doubt, I’m returning to Minted this year […]

Style File /// Winterize Your Maxi

JEM’S BALLET LESSONS + BIBLE STUDY /// maxi dress, IG sale | sweater, GAP | boots, Fossil | diffuser bracelet, Simply Quinn | quart necklace, c/o Archer + Hare I’m not really one for seasonal wear. I try my best to move pieces from season to season with a few minor adjustments for heat waves […]

Me Time Begins Around Midnight

“This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Weave Made Media® and PEOPLE StyleWatch® and Sunset®, but all my opinions are my own. #weavemade #MeTimeMags http://my-disclosur.es/RgFrEH” Do you all remember when I confessed my daily secret? The one that allows me to survive and sometimes thrive?   I take a nap every single […]

Spiced Mexican Chocolate OREO Cookie Balls

 This #OREOCookieBalls shop has been compensated by #CollectiveBias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. I know Halloween just passed, but it seems like the winter holidays are in full swing. Am I right? Thanksgiving and Christmas are filling the stores and I’m taking mental notes of recipes (like these OREO ones!) and 100 other preparations […]


Halloween has been highly anticipated around here. And when it finally arrived – it didn’t disappoint. Jemma had her heart set on being a tooth fairy and Max went with a Pacific Northwest default – Seahawks boy complete with his sister’s leggings to mimic football tights :) Jem answered each door with a cheerful “Happy […]

{One Hundred Lessons} Push Me and I Will Hold You Closer

One Hundred Lessons is my story. It’s the heart of my experience in motherhood and all the things, well 100 of the things, I want my children to read and remember. These bits are my hope for the future and my cherished memories of the past. Most of all, they are the beautiful moments of […]

A Question Birthday Cake

Jemma loves to talk. Even more, she loves to ask questions. So, for her birthday this year, I turned the table on her and made her a question birthday cake. What is a question cake you ask? Well, here’s how it goes … First, type up a list of age-appropriate questions and print them on […]

This Week

Fall, in the form of buckets of rain, has forced me to slow down. It has been wonderful. For the last two weeks our Monday-Wednesday has been empty. Other than school pick up for our high school girls, the littles and I have been home. We’ve accomplished a few projects, mostly organizing things, but for […]