It Doesn’t Always Rain in the Pacific Northwest

Driving down the freeway last week, Jemma began chatting about the weather – one of her favorite topics. She commented on all the rain and how it makes her so “fwusterated” because it makes the slide in our cul-de-sac too wet. Then she transitioned to thoughts on summer and how she hates the sun in her eyes so even though the rain is bothersome, she doesn’t want it to be summer again. She won’t wear sunglasses for some reason, so summer is truly difficult in her book. Naturally I responded to her chitter chat with a question, “So Jemma, what kind of weather DO you like?”

Jemma: The clouds. Just the white clouds. They’re the best. Because then there is no rain and then they hide the sun too. 

As the little princess wished, we ended up with a plain ol’ cloudy morning shortly after her lamentations about the autumn rainfall. A perfect day to take her new balance bike for a spin.

IMG_1173 IMG_1175 IMG_1178 IMG_1180Jem is not super adventuresome and it has taken her quite awhile to even be interested in bike riding. She TALKS about doing new things, but when it comes time to taking the plunge she’ll usually tell me, “Well, how about we save that for Friday?” In her world, everything happens “Friday” or “tomorrow” or I’m even started hearing “what about after my five birthday?”

After a little coaxing and the promise of no sun in her eyes – off she rode. And she rode and rode and rode. Back and forth on the path while yelling, “Watch me, I’m trying so hard! Look at me gooooooo!” 

I think we’ve found a real winner with our balance bike from Strider Bikes. It’s super lightweight, was easy to assemble and comes in a bunch of fun colors. I see many more cloudy days of bike riding in our future!

Find Strider Bikes on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. They highlight Strider races and I’m floored by all these kids can do on their bikes!

P.S. Jemma travels at about .0005152 miles per hour on her bike currently and thus, I didn’t require her to wear her helmet during these photos. As her confidence and speed grows you can bet your britches she’ll be adding her Dora helmet to the mix. Safety first!

P.S.S. I’m pretty sure I’m going to order Max his own bike for Christmas. At 2 and 4, sharing just isn’t always the most joyous thing. But, what color?!? Another orange so there isn’t fighting over who gets what color or maybe blue? Or get pink for Jem and let Max inherit orange? Oh the choices that Christmas brings :)

We were gifted a Strider Bike, no other compensation was received. All opinions are my own and of all the balance bikes I’ve encountered in my day, I’m truly impressed with Striders quality!


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  1. jamie says

    jemma is adorable but that tree – wow!!!! makes me miss fall even more.

  2. says

    I am loving the weather we are having here in the PNW! Although, the wind last week was crazy and the air quality is lacking. LOL. We are never happy!