This + That


The calendar has finally turned to November and Jemma is slowly but surely realizing that it is no longer her birthday season. It’s rough to be here, I tell ya. November is such a dreary month for little 4 year olds who don’t like turkey. 

Mid-October we had a Pancakes and Ponies Party. My Little Pony style, I hardly got any photos since I was flipping approximately 4,000 pancakes, so, I’ll leave it at – fun was had, pancakes were eaten and pin the cutie mark on the pony was a hit.

The cupcake above was our Rainbow Dash inspired dessert. We also made Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack and Twilight Sparkle cupcakes. I hate frosting cupcakes. I love Jemma’s smile though, so, you can guess who wins.

Now, a bit of this and that for you all to usher in the weekend …

Happy Friday! Tomorrow is the WEEKEND!

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