
 a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013  Jemma / / / A mini photographer in the making! I hope she continues to love taking “peek-tures” :) Max / / / A back of the camera sneak peek of Max’s 10 month photo shoot by the ever so lovely LCS Photograhy.


 a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013  Jemma / / / This girl loves cupcakes. Especially pretty ones like this scrumptious strawberry milkshake one. Max / / / Just a little mama snack during pedicures.

Interview | Jemma, 2 3/4 years old

The other day during one of our “please chill out and get a grip” just for fun baths, I decided to interview Jemma. She’s been talking up a storm lately and saying some of the darndest things. Some of our current favorites are how she says “soooo crunchy!” when describing food – namely cookies and […]

21/52 & 22/52 & 23/52 & 24/52

 a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013  Yep, obviously got a little behind. I actually contemplated quitting, but after scrolling through the year thus far I decided I really wanted to finish. So, here’s a whopping big post of the last month. I had to scrounge on my iPhone for […]

19/52 & 20/52

 a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013  Jemma / / / We broke out the “outside chalk” this week. Jem. is. a. fan. Max / / / Incessant giggles came from this boy during his first swing adventure.   Jemma / / / Kids start smiling for pictures when they […]


It’s been a lovely little break from blog land! I definitely need to do this more often. Unplugging is a great feeling, very peaceful and calm … even if I did stumble along the way and Instagram a few pics and catch up on Call the Midwife.  During my week off I took the chance […]

16/52 & 17/52 & 18/52

 a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013  Jemma / / / Making cake. Chocolate to be exact. Her favorite. Max / / / Jemma’s old nanny came to visit (she’s practically part of the family) and loved on Max a bit. He may be half thinking that it would be […]

Two and Half

Half birthdays have always been a celebration around here.  Jemma’s second was no exception. I even cancelled her dentist appointment and took her for “pink birthday cake” which she had been incessantly requesting after watching a birthday episode of Dora. In anticipation for her dentist appointment we had been talking about the teeth doctor and […]

Little Letter Lover

In early December I was sitting at a stop sign and I heard Jemma whispering to herself. I tipped my head and listened closer and this is what I heard … “T-E-X-A-C-O”.  My baby was reciting her letters! During our errands that day I pointed out random signs with capital letters and she knew them […]

14/52 & 15/52

 a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013  Jemma / / / XOXO sweet girl, Mama could swoon over you all day long. Max / / / Plaid shorts? Little piggies in the grass? We can’t wait for summer! Jemma / / / In Jem’s world, veggies are currently only consumed […]