Terrarium Fabulous Hits 6th Grade

My sister, Katie, is in her first official year as a teacher. She has been rockin’ the 6th grade science world along with some math, Bible, and reading … yep, she has a full plate. Katie brings science alive in a new and fresh way. Her students are extraordinarily honored to have her as a […]

Posing With Our Ferns

My dear friend and photographer of choice, Christine of LCS Photography, met us at our property for a lil’ afternoon photo shoot prior to Mother’s Day. Even though it is taking awhile to get everything squared away on the property (darn county), I am happy that we were able to stage our photo shoot on […]

50% Off Ad Space to Welcome PassionFruit

This coming month I’m jumping on board with PassionFruit. It’s a fabulous ad management resource which allows you to purchase ads anytime throughout the month. Once purchased your ad runs for 30 days. Boom. Wow. Easy. To kick off this fabulous-ness you’re all gonna benefit from some super savings … 50% off any ad space […]

Crockpot Yogurt

Thanks to my lovely midwife who shared her recipe, I’ve been whipping up yogurt left and right. Who would have guessed making yogurt could be so simple! INGREDIENTS & SUPPLIES 8 cups of milk 1/2 cup yogurt with live cultures Crockpot Bath towel Cheesecloth Strainer DIRECTIONS Pour 8 cups of milk (or 16 cups which […]

May Sponsor Love

Shop – Blog – Facebook – Twitter – Instagram: sugarblossomboutique Hello, I’m Danielle. I’m a big fan of avocados and cheetos. I create headbands that are unique and colorful. My 3 daughters are the cutest thing I’ve ever made. I am married to an artist, he creates oil paintings for a living. I am clumsy. […]

Meet That Mama | Olivia from Soul Singing Liv

I’m excited to welcome Olivia Grace from Soul Singing Liv as the first mama in my new feature, Meet That Mama! Liv is a super sweet mama who always has an encouraging word and a lovely story to share. Check out her blog and enjoy our little interview below! Hello, my name is Liv and […]

Style File: Color Me Pretty

LUNCH DATE WITH MY SISTER – top, forever 21 (borrowed from said sister) | colored pants, liz lange from target | tank, be maternity from target | flips, north face (gift from other sister) Hannah and I took Jemma to one of our most favorite restaurants last week. We’ve been going there since we were […]

Hair Diaries: Summer Twist

Hair Diaries is a sneak peek into how I keep my mane tame. Jemma usually allows me 3.2 minutes to style my hair so everything is easy or out. Keep in mind that I have super thick, naturally wavy (also know as crazy) hair. It freaks out if I wash it everyday so styles are […]

Call for Guest Post Submissions!

Between our move and baby boy’s birth I’m planning a little babymoon sometime between July and October. I’ll still be blogging, but most likely, much less frequently. During my break I’m hoping to feature a number of guest posts from readers and other bloggers! Would you consider submitting a guest post? Here’s a few ideas […]