Reid — 10 Months

Disclaimer – although I have managed to miss most of Reid’s milestones in the blog world, I’ve kept up with his physical baby book! Kind of a feat considering that Reid is my third and I’m homeschooling this year and prepping for a move and busier than ever with work. But I really don’t want to forget. And baby book’s and posts about all my littles are up to are my favorite way to keep track. 

On that same note, poor R Baby has a pesky cough and hasn’t been sleeping well, so we’re going to quickly run down all that he’s up to at 10 months. He’s going to be calling for Mama soon if he sticks to the course of the last few nights.

Reid Loves — Rocking to sleep in our glider, playing peek-a-boo, wrestling with Daddy and Max, watching Jemma dance and sing, going on hikes in the Tula, playing at homeschool co-op, rolling a ball back and forth, playing with empty paper bags, and giving kisses … my favorite!

Reid Dislikes — When I’m in the shower and he’s not adequately distracted with his siblings, having not safe baby toys being swept away by his vigilant siblings, and when his sippy cup runs out of water.

Reid Can Say — “Dada”, “Mama”, and “baaaaaaaaaa”.

Reid Eats — Almost everything we do! He loves chomping with his 6 teeth. I’ve never known a happier eater. We’ve steered away from anything sweet, even fruit, and stuck with protein and veggies. He has had a dash of vanilla and cinnamon via French toast, but that’s the only treat so far! He loves sweet potatoes, chicken, squash, corn, peas, and eggs. Jemma and Max often give him little nibbles of their meals and he usually begs for me … kind of like a little puppy!

Reid Can — Climb stairs, but doesn’t (like, we haven’t even had to put up the gate!), stand while holding on to furniture with just one hand, take naps in his crib, clap his hands, belly laugh, and stay happy while on the go all day long. 

Looking back at Max’s days at 10 months (and Jem’s too), it all the kid’s 10 month schedules were pretty similar! Reid is up around 7am each morning, he hangs with his crew while we all get ready and eat and then naps between 9:30-10am. He sleeps for 20 minutes or close to 2 hours. There is never an in between! After lunch, it’s nap time and Reid will sleep for 2 hours or so … all depending how that morning nap went. He’s up and ready to play while dinner prep happens and then ready to snuggle by 6:30-7pm. He generally sleeps really well at night, up once or twice, sometimes less. My easiest baby in the sleep department for sure!

Here’s a peek at his happy-go-lucky smiles! 






Reid, you’re a 28 pound bundle of joy! We all love you like crazy!!!

Reid’s Style Details:

  • Onesie + Pants — H&M
  • Bandana — c/o Finn + Emma
  • Moccasins — Freshly Picked

Have you browsed Finn + Emma yet? Everything is beautifully crafted and modern. Their clothing is certified organic cotton and they only use non-toxic, eco-friendly dyes. The clothing snaps are even lead/nickel free, instead of traditional metal snaps they have a real coconut snap piece – I didn’t even know that was possible! Keep an eye on Instagram for my other favorite Finn + Emma treat. I bought it more for me than Reid, but turns out, he’s a big fan too! Looks like we all have heart eyes for Finn + Emma!

A special thank you to Finn + Emma for Reid’s hip banana and other treasures! I’m totally swooning over all their organic and eco safe pieces (and maybe wishing for another baby to put it all to use)! Love, love, love; Heirloom pieces if you ask me!

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  1. Brandi Cramer says

    What a cute little guy! Love the bandana.

  2. Marie Cole says

    He’s adorable! Having 3 kids myself I understand the need to get things written down so as not to forget something in the whirlwind of parenthood.