Currently + a $200 Giveaway

Watching /// Orange is the New Black, Season 2 and Switched at Birth. Love both.

Wearing /// shorts!!! It’s summer and I love that shorts are back in my regular rotation.

Wanting /// this and this. Decisions, decisions. And the assessment of if it’s worth breaking into my mom stash. I’m also looking for a big, fluffy white bedspread of duvet to brighten up our room – something I can bleach if needed. Ideas?

Waiting /// for our beach trip! Dominic has to travel for work later this month so my mom, sisters, the kids and I just booked a few nights at the coast!

Winning /// with this month’s essential oil order! I got a free 15ml Breathe and OnGuard, my two most used oils with Jem and Max! You can get them free too, just place a 200pv order before the 30th and they’re yours. Email me for details :) It’s not hard and I’m happy to help!

And a few other links …

BEST OF ALL … the big giveaway I mentioned yesterday! It’s here! And yes, it’s $200, just for you! Totally fabulous, right?

Say hello to the fabulous group of ladies who made it possible and enter below!

$200 Paypal giveawayRebekah at A Girl Awake // Gretchen at That Mama Gretchen // Anne at Love the Here and Now// Kasi at Birch Juice  // Meagan at All The Joys  // Beverly at Halfway to Fearless // Logan at Logan Can // Leslie at Martin Manifesto // Jamie at The Growing Up Diaries // Mandy at A Sorta Fairytale // Rebekah at Lipstick and Lullabies

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Marta K says

    Is this open to international followers?
    Thank you!

    • says

      Yes – as long as you have a PayPal account we can send the funds to if you win :)

      • Marta K says

        Thank you!!

  2. says

    Excited to be part of this giveaway with you!