Books I Read + Loved This Year

goodreads 2015 See the entire, super cool Goodreads infographic about my 2015 books here!

Here’s the deal, I set out to read 12 books in 2015. And trashed that goal with a final total of 39 books. Craziness! And the vast majority of those were all from the library so my reading hobby runs me about $0/month. Boom.

Before I launch my reading list for 2016 … coming to a blog post near you sometime next week, I figured I’d pop in and highlight some of the books I truly loved from 2015!

The Heir — Selection book #4, whoop! I cannot wait for #5 to be released in May … and maybe a movie too! The Heir jumped into the future, past Maxon and America’s story and ended with such a cliff hanger!

The Hypnotist’s Love Story — Moriarty is an Australian author and it’s always such a treat to dig into one of her books with Australian locations and accents. This one had the perfect balance of love, intrigue, and mystery. I don’t usually fall in love with an author, but Liane Moriarty is officially amazing. Girl has story telling talent! One of my book club ladies first recommended Moriarty when we all read The Husband’s Secret. After that, I went on to read 3 more of her books and the final 2 are on my list for next year!

Whiskey and Charlie — Each chapter is like a stand alone short story; together they weave into a lifelong relationship journey between two brothers and their seemingly opposite lives.

The Invention of Wings — Page turner! I’m such a fan of historical fiction and this one had such amazing characters!

All The Light We Cannot See — I tend to hate books that don’t end how I imagine. Honestly, this one still leaves me a bit verklempt. But again, a historical fiction book that I truly fell in love with.

Breaking Beautiful — Teen lit with such strong and powerful undertones. Mystery too. Plus, I got to meet the author at a book club dinner!

American Wife — Way, way different and better than I expected. I’m completely mesmerized by the Kyle’s story.

In The Unlikely Event — I was never a huge Judy Blume fan, but this book has me digging for all of her other adult novels. 

You can see the whole list of my 2015 completed reading list here, but the above few are the real winners and should totally make your 2016 list!

What do you recommend I for sure read in the coming year?

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  1. Scott and Jamie Durham says

    Pillars of the Earth and World without End are incredible. Not new reads but for historical fiction lovers, they are must reads. Also really loved The Power of Habit and Just Mercy.