I’ve been running through different seasons of motherhood for eight years now. Which is wild because I thought I’d do one race, say, “Awesome, check that off the ol’ goal list!” and be done. But now, many races in and many, many more miles of training I am apparently a true runner. In fact, this year I’ll be running my first destination race!
This post isn’t about running though. Because this year I determined that to become a better runner I needed to become stronger.
So, each week, as I assess my training runs, I’m also mapping out very specific strength training workouts. Cross your fingers that this plan of mine works … stronger mom = better runner!

Here’s a peek at what I’ve dubbed my “Strong Mom Essentials” … I’m super beginner in this department so hopefully if you’re on the brink of a 20 minute functional weight lifting routine a few times a day you’ll find some of these recommendations helpful.
The Best Outfit
I’ve learned that a matching bra and leggings is my very favorite combo for strength training. I was recently gifted an activewear set from Infamous Swim and can wholeheartedly recommend it. The ribbed collection is perfect and the support is exactly what I need. Firm, but not too compressive. It’s different genre than what I look for when I run so it’s been fun to add a few sets to my workout gear.
I started out with five pound weights but have quickly found that a set of ten and fifteen are my preference. I also have a kettlebell. Marketplace is one of the best places to pick up secondhand weights – keep your eye out there! My goal for this year is to bump my routine to fifteen and twenty pound weights … we shall see!
Resistance Bands
Workouts that call for resistance bands are NOT my favorite. I suppose that’s because I have much to improve in this area, lol!
Nourish Move Love
Ok, Nourish Move Love has become my best friend for all things strength training! Each of Lindsey’s workouts are designed for moms aiming to improve daily function and grow in strength. Best of all, they’re quick (like 20-30 minutes), yet effective. Her philosophy totally jives with me – nourish yourself well, so you can move easily, and love your family well.
I cannot recommend Nourish Move Love more! It’s all free on YouTube so set up a subscription and stream it through your TV … today!
I’ll be bold enough to say that if you try to workout alone, it probably isn’t going to happen. Now, I do workout alone … or with my kids, but my bestie hears from me about every single workout. Usually at the beginning, sometimes during, always at the end; just a quick text or Marco Polo as evidence of my efforts. Point is, she knows that if more than a day or two goes by, it’s time to check in and tell me to get my bum in gear.
Laundry Bag
99% of my workouts happen at home, in my living room, with kids clambering about. But, when we travel I absolutely take my workout gear because them I can utilize the hotel gym! Thus, a laundry bag is essential and not just any bag, because this mama gets sweaty! STNKY sent me one of their washable laundry bags and it has been the perfect, on-the-go companion.
Acupressure Mat
After I shower and put on my home cozies I blend up a protein shake and take a 10-20 minute “rest” on my Shakti Acupressure Mat. I’ve grown to LOVE this thing. It’s one of those hurt-so-good experiences that truly offers a ton of benefits. The kids even like taking turns, especially my 5-year-old!