I left out the most important part of our Lubbock adventures because it deserved a post all of its own. And no, the title of this post has nothing to do with a Gretchen baby bump. No, no, no – not yet! It does have everything to do with the little miracle that is my April due nephew, Deklan Robert!
I don’t say little miracle lightly. Deklan is truly a dreamed of, prayed for and very much awaited baby. You see, when my brother and sister-in-law had their first child, Karrington, in 2010, my sister-in-law, Tasha suffered from congestive heart failure.
Just 4 days after Karrington’s birth, Tasha returned to the hospital with shortness of breath. They checked for blood clots, but found heart issues instead. Tasha was initially diagnosed with postpartum cardiomyopathy. For a long time doctors and specialists weren’t quite sure what caused the weakening of Tasha’s heart muscles. Was it pregnancy? Something else? Something that would get worse? Better? Since there were so many unknowns Anton and Tasha were advised to avoid a second pregnancy at all costs – it could be much too dangerous for Tasha and another baby.
Tasha has seen a cardiologist for frequent and multiple check ups to work towards restoring function to her heart and outside of two leaky valves, Tasha’s heart has fully healed – praise the Lord! Throughout all of this, Anton and Tasha still wanted to grow their family. They researched and pursued adoption and continued to ask questions about the possibility of future pregnancies. These questions led Tasha to seek a second opinion.
After reviewing her charts, Tasha’s second cardiologist immediately acknowledged that she was much too young to be in his office and quickly found an explanation for her leaky valves. In the end, he believed pregnancy was not the cause of the heart issue; rather, pregnancy exposed the issue. Since he concluded pregnancy was not the cause, he felt Tasha could partner with a high risk obstetrician have another baby without complication.
There was only a 20% chance of recurrence, so, not completely avoidable, but “80% is pretty good odds” in the words of Tasha’s obstetrician. Anton and Tasha prayerfully considered a second pregnancy and felt the Lord’s blessing in moving forward. In August 2014, Tasha saw those pretty little lines on a pregnancy test and in December it was announced that Karrington would be a big sister to a little brother!
Do you see God’s amazing work? From a life changing diagnosis to slow and steady healing to a fulfilled dream and now a healthy pregnancy? It’s a miracle for sure and Deklan is sure to carry on his family’s legacy of hope and perseverance.
I can hardly put into words how heart wrenching and beautiful it has been to see our family go through this pain and suffering of the unknown. There have been tears and frustration, endless prayers and lots of wondering when and how and if another baby would join their amazing family. Anton and Tasha (and even Karrington’s) faithfulness is a testimony to their love for Jesus. He truly has great plans for us and they have believed that for their family every step of the way. Often it’s a longer journey than we expect, but regardless of the path, He is by our side, guiding our steps and encouraging us to trust in His plans. The ones we can’t see, the ones that are always the best. That’s what makes it so difficult – the unknown. It’s also what makes it so rewarding when God’s plans are unveiled.
Deklan’s story is a praiseworthy one and I’m so thankful Anton and Tasha allowed me to share it with you. Tasha’s condition is rare so I’m guessing not many of you have experienced something similar, but what I do know is that we’ve all experienced crushing news in our lives. Things that aren’t what we had hoped, things that seemingly change the trajectory of our family. Remember, there is hope and redemption. There is peace to be found wherever you are in the unknown. Look for those little nuggets of Jesus’ comfort. Give Him control and trust that, as His child, He loves you beyond measure and has perfect plans in place for you.
It was such a honor to partner with Lily Jade to surprise Tasha with a gorgeous and hip diaper bag as a hearty congratulations on her much anticipated pregnancy. Time and time again I’ve seen Lily Jade celebrate motherhood and the miracle of birth – they are a company with a heart of gold and blessing Tasha with a Lily Jade bag of her own seemed like a match made in heaven!
Thank you Lily Jade – for your generosity, your always awesome sales, and for believing in miracles alongside my family.
Stay tuned for Deklan’s debut in early April!
Ah! Congrats to them! I’m glad that she’s able to still grow her family and that she’s under a watchful eye during this pregnancy.