Word of the Year: Thrive

Last year I just wanted to feel settled. We had moved twice and Max was still a newbie. I was tired and worn and needed the year to be calm; restorative. Thankfully, it was. Here’s the best of 2013.

I’m extremely hopeful for this upcoming year. I love making lists and organizing my thought; planning and preparing for new projects and adventures. I’d like to say I’ve got that list all ready to share, but I don’t. Not yet at least. December was full of visitors and fun and therefore, didn’t leave much time for reflection. So, I’m taking January “off” – setting my goals and resolving to make this year the very best for my sweet family of four.

What I did have time for was my mini month-by-month goals for the year – a book, a recipe and a date. I shared about those over at Baby Gizmo. Pretty much, I’ll be reading a new book each month, testing out a new recipe and heading out with my mister to try something new. Simple, but all things I enjoy and cherish. My overarching goal, and therefore, my word this year though is THRIVE.

I want to fully embrace this year. I can’t wait to flourish as a wife and as a mother. I’m excited to continue creating a home that exudes love and acceptance. Most of all, I want to dig deeper into my faith and grow. Having young ones continually draws me closer to Jesus, I pray often and call on Him for strength, reassurance and peace, but I haven’t been studying His Word and I haven’t been memorizing Scripture. I’ve been in survival mode and, I’ve survived. Now, I want to thrive.

I’ve always expected a lot of myself which isn’t in itself a bad thing, but I do need balance. Thriving isn’t going to look like overachieving or attempting to do it all. It’s going to be calculated, it’s going to be more about pacing, prioritizing and making memories. Thriving is going to make my 2014 the best yet.

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  1. Laura Burns says

    Oh I love this thought! I, too, want to thrive in my mothering, wifeing, and living!

  2. Alaina Urquhart-Whit says

    I love your word choice for this year! "Thrive" is a wonderful word to work towards. I also love that your info includes "wearing more than yoga pants" on occasion…..I fully relate lol. Check out my blog if you are so inclined! :)http://gingerlovely.blogspot.com/

  3. says

    Thrive is an awesome word to use. Looks like you are going to make this word your own!

  4. ThatMamaGretchen says

    I absolutely will :) #yogapantsforlife

  5. says

    Thrive is a great word, Gretchen. I couldn't nail down a single word…but we're really focusing on making good, intentional choices this year. We want to have an awesome year not because we did everything ever, but because we really slowed down and made lasting memories. Mary


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