Word of the Year: Today

January was such a blur for me this year … newborns will do that to you, I suppose! I’m just now getting around to many of my annual traditions … ahem … and am happy to finally report that I’ve landed on a word of the year for 2016.

word of the year - today


It’s my reminder to focus on the present. To be actively engaged with my children. To listen. To see. To truly appreciate. Today is all I have. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow will get it’s own chance at being today. Today is my now, my chance.

These last few weeks I’ve paused many times. I’ve caught myself rushing, trying to get ahead. In those moments my word has immediately come to mind. It’s like the Lord whispers it instead of shouts and because of that, I can hear it all the more clearly. “Today,” I’ll hear. “Focus on this second. Right now. Be with your children. Your blessings. Encourage your husband. Do something meaningful. Learn to see what is truly important. Embrace today.”

It has been good. This word. It’s what I needed and what I pray will continue to guide my year. I’m expectant and already thankful for how it is changing my perspective on this one, wonderful life I’ve been given.
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Curious about last year’s word of the year? Here it is! And the year before too.

Nursing robe c/o Pink Blush — shop all the patterns here and don’t miss the rest of their amazing maternity clothes!

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