The Beauty Revealed Project that I blogged about … well, they were at a birth conference the other week and if you look real close at the booth … yep, that’s Max and I on the left!
Loving /// this sweater tunic. I saw it styled over here and used my Anthro birthday coupon to order it. I chose cream and can’t wait for it to arrive! For the littles, these pants for Jem and these for Max – too sweet!
Listening /// to, dare I say, Christmas music! Shhh, don’t tell! I jammed to the She & Him album the other night while whipping up biscotti, the ultimate snack to have beside a mug of eggnog. Recipe soon :)
Worrying /// about the holidays. There are quite a few changes happening in our extended family and I’m hoping to use those changes to launch new traditions for our little family of four. What traditions are favorites for your family between between Thanksgiving and the New Year?
And, a few other links to share …
- Because so many children are waiting. A real mama’s wisdom and canny insight on Davion’s plea.
- There were so many golden nuggets in the article, The Great Sleep Obsession (The Problem of Modern Day Life versus the Primitive Infant).
- I’m always learning and logging away information about vaccinations. Most recently I’ve been reading up on particular vaccines that have human diploid cells (aborted fetus cells) in them. This post, How To Be Pro-Life and Pro-Vaccinations in 5 Easy Steps, gave me a lot of food for thought, even though I don’t necessarily consider myself pro-vaccine.
- This is on the top of my DIY list – clothespins + animals … YES!
- I think I need a julienne peeler. Because this. The real question is – will the family eat it?
- The Carnival of Natural Parenting is one of my most favorite carnivals. I need to get back into it soon – the November theme is Feeding Your Family. Last month, this post really helped me bring the peace to our days at home.
/// Are we friends on Instagram? Let’s be! ///
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I haven't checked out the Carnival of Natural Parenting in a while- glad to know it's still going on! I need to get back on board. PS- love the sweater you picked!