
photo— Dom + I kayaked for our anniversary! Fun, scary, and “Wow, look at me, I’m a kayak mama!” —

Needing /// a case of Guava Goddess at my fingertips.
Missing /// my sweet Hannah! Her hubs, my BIL, graduated from Ranger School last week and we couldn’t be more proud … or be missing them more! Good news is I think we’ll be visiting them in Texas in early 2015 when they PCS. Look at me and all the Army lingo I’m learning!?! 
Reading /// this … never even knew this happened :( and this which seems to always be on my reading list/on my reference pile.
Hoping /// I can up my pace for my next 5K. I ran a 12 minute mile and with some training I think I can easily get that now to 11. Then again, I’m considering just continuing my training for a 10K in November … thoughts from those of you who run? Stick with a 5K and boost my pace or go for endurance training?
Playing /// around with the idea of adding biking into my exercise routine. Who’s a biker out there? What trailer would you recommend hauling 70+ pounds of kiddos in?
And some links to share …
  • Still in love with Fabletics and have now discovered FabKids! Once you sign up you get a $10 store credit and that can apply to your first $15 outfit. That means you get your first outfit SHIPPED for less than $5! Sign up here!
  • Love this lady and her new blog space.
  • Starting the Bible study in September and can’t wait – watch the 1 min video, oh yes, do!
  • Starting a vinyl project soon – stay tuned!
  • A must read for all parents, since the media isn’t going to share this info.
  • Standards of Grace – loved!
  • Have you visited my two fab sponsors yet? Both are going to be frequent purchases around here! This guy and this here gem.
  • I’ve been lovin’ denim jackets ever since middle school – you too?
  • Always inspired.
  • Look who had a baby!!!
  • I’m always reading about mattresses and someday I really want us to have a mattress makeover around here. Adding this to the arsenal.
  • We are planning our first getaway (pray for Max! pray for my mama!) and I loved this packing post!

Ok friends, adios! Have a lovely Thursday!

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  1. pierogiemama says

    I read Sarah's Key while on our trip to Europe, coincidentally. It is one of my favorite books! How I'd love to give my kids the opportunity to learn about world history through the eyes of another country.

    • says

      Just finished last night. So sad. Also, so disappointing that I'd never even heard of the Vel' d'Hiv. I'm hoping through homeschooling we'll be able to delve into some of these lesser recognized historical events.

  2. says

    We have a Burley bike trailer. And it's wonderful. They are pricey and I hadn't found any on craigslist, but we decided to rent one for a family ride with the ILs and the bike shop was actually getting ready to sell their rental equipment so they could put out newer models. We only paid $70 and they waived our rental fee :)

    • says

      STEAL!!!!! I've been watching Craigslist and am loving the lines of the Vio Velo one …

  3. says

    Whoa! Thanks for the link love, lady! I really appreciate it! Changing blogs and gears was super scary, so I'm glad you came along with me.

    And thanks for the link to Fabkids. I hadn't ever heard of them before, which is odd since I looooove online shopping. I'm curious to know where they source their kids' clothes, and how the quality is over time (important since Jude is so tough on his clothes and Caroline's clothes are passed down to Lu so they need to last!).

    • says

      I've been a FabKids blogger for about a year now, and the clothes hold up fairly well. I've only had one pair of pants rip, and that was because my son decided to slide down some rocks. *side eye* The shirts hold up really well, but I've found that the pants fade slightly after multiple washing. That's pretty much true of any brand though. The nice thing about them is that you can skip a month if the styles don't peak your interest that month. What's there to lose, really?

      • says

        Exactly! I'm super excited about it! Jemma's first outfit just arrived and the top has a glitter unicorn on it and she is beyond thrilled :)

    • says

      Of course I followed you :)

      Jemma's first outfit just arrived and quality looks good. Another mama commented that hers have been holding up decently. Thankfully, Jem is pretty easy on clothes. Max will be another story though. I didn't find anything about their clothing source :/ I'll have to ask their customer service!

  4. says

    Good luck on your 5k training! I started running with my boyfriend, but we kind of drifted off after about two weeks. It's my goal to run a 5k and eventually a 10k!

    • says

      It's definitely not easy to stick with it! I've taken this week off and am back at it next week! Crossing my fingers for no/little rain. It poured here today!

  5. says

    – Army lingo is so fun. Ha, lies. It's so confusing because some acronyms have multiple meanings! Ugh!
    – I went from 5k to 8k without too much extra training. There aren't many of them, but if you can find one, I'd bump up to that. I did it with both my kiddos in a jogging stoller too! Not gonna lie, when the trail got to downhill, the jogger was running me.
    – As for suggestions for biking trails with a trailer, I'd suggest the flattest trail possible. Seriously. I picked my son up from school once, with just my youngest in the trailer, it took 7 minutes to get to the school. Biking back with the both of them took 20. Hills are the worst.

  6. says

    I so want to Kayak. It looks like so much fun!