Ok … 20 left! Here’s to hopin’ I can think of 20 unique/interesting things to share. I’m running out of ideas!
81. My biggest pet peeve is when drivers don’t pull over for emergency vehicles! I’m always thinking … what if that was you in that ambulance, or they were rushing to your mom, or your house was on fire. GET OFF THE ROAD. Pull over, do whatever you have to do to allow them to safely get through as quickly as possible. Sheesh … I’m glad I got that off my chest :)
82. I always close the cereal box immediately after I pour my cereal. That’s including rolling down the plastic and closing the lid. I’m paranoid that an insect will crawl/fall inside if I don’t.
83. One of these days I’m going to open my Etsy shop. I’m working on some beautiful circle scarves and hope to list them soon. Soon is such a relative term. My shop is going to be called Prairie Pretty and you can like my Facebook page if you want – then you’ll get all the updates. As soon as I have some :)
84. I’m totally over my anxiety of having a little boy. It is going to be so fun! Of course, I still have some worries, but for the most part, I can’t wait!
85. My favorite foods in no particular order are: tikka masala with naan and rice, french onion soup, Reese’s peanut butter chip chocolate cookies (I’ll have to share the recipe soon, so good), pizza with pepperoni/olives/cashews, Caesar salad, peppermint brownies, all brownies, lemonade, caprese bruschetta, bread pudding, and Chipotle! Hmmm … now I’m curious if these are actually favorites or just the cravings of a pregnant mama.
86. The beach is my favorite place – whether the rocky Oregon Coast or the hot Mexican Riviera. I love them all!
87. I have discovered the most priceless piece of make-up — MAC’s liquid eyeliner pen. Seriously, buy it!
88. I’m going to start celebrating my 1/2 birthday more. Jemma’s birthday is 3 days before mine in October and the last two years I’ve spent my birthday 1) recovering from labor and having my milk come in and 2) recovering from Jemma’s Alice in One-derland party. I want my birthday to be about me … at least a little bit. So, this year, I told Dominic that my 1/2 birthday needs to be rockin’!
89. I don’t have a nightstand, Jemma’s floor bed resides where it should be.
90. I hate cleaning, just hate it. Dishes I can handle, laundry is do-able, but bathrooms, floors, dusting … so awful! Luckily, Dominic is great at floors.
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Oh I promise you, you will LOVE having a boy! I was a little concerned at first too, but they're not nearly as bad as you might think!! :P & now I'll have TWO! :) xxx