My Sunday confessions totally fell by the wayside, meh. I’m going to try and finish them up, although it is really hard to think of 100 things and don’t smite me if you catch doubles :)
51. I’m a fast food hater. Well, except for Burgerville, which I don’t really consider fast food and Taco Bell, but only for their cheesy fiesta potatoes which are a HUGE weakness of mine.
52. I take a nap with Jemma almost every day. I love it. It is our quiet snuggle time and has been perfect for pregnancy fatigue. I really hope once baby #2 arrives we can keep up this daily tradition. P.S. Black out curtains in our bedroom make this possible.
53. I have talked about starting a garden FOREVER. It still ain’t gonna happen this year.
54. Now that baby #2 is on the way, I need to modify by 12 in 2012. They are supposed to be realistic goals and having another bundle changes a few things.
55. Five is my favorite number. This seems fitting for #55.
56. I used to be an avid magazine subscriber. I’m still finishing my subscriptions to Glamour and Marie Claire, but the only one I’m planning to renew is Kiwi. It’s the best parenting magazine out there.
57. When I was little I dreamed of starring as Anna from the King and I. Turns out this was just a dream because I have an awful singing voice :(
58. My current TV show round up includes: Once Upon a Time, Smash, Desperate Housewives (final season!), Pan Am, The Bachelor (although I’m 3 weeks behind as it was getting so lame and I’m just not into the Courtney drama), Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice, Secret Circle, One Tree Hill, and Shark Tank.
59. Not that I need anymore TV, but I am thinking of starting Grimm and Downtown Abbey via Netflix. Are they on Netflix yet?
60. As much as I love my shows, I would totally cancel cable. And, I always multi-task while watching TV which is one of Dominic’s biggest pet peeves.
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I love reading these, yours and other peoples :). And yes, Downton Abbey is on Netflix and totally worth the watch. Though only season 1.