61. Did you notice that I changed my sponsor’s buttons on the right into 2 columns? Yeah, that took some html work and I’m so happy that I figured it out on my own. I’ll share a tutorial soon!
62. In college I donated platelets for money. It’s a legit thing in Oregon and I would finish a ton of homework while waiting and donating. I used all the money to pay for school, nothing exciting.
63. I am an awful baker, but a decent cook. I’m just not very good at following recipes exactly. I’m more of “a dash here, a dash there, what if I add cinnamon or cumin” kind of girl.
64. I lived on the same street from ages 3-18, two different houses, but the same street out in the country.
65. I always have my toes painted, never my fingers.
66. Jemma sleeps sideways between Dominic and I ever night. Sometimes I get the head, sometimes the feet. I wonder how she picks which way to go?
67. My desk is a kitchen table I found at a garage sale this past summer for $5! Steal!!!
68. Dark chocolate covered pomegranate seeds are my favorite sweet indulgence … today.
69. If I could vacation anywhere in the U.S. I would want to visit Maine. Have you been there?
70. Jemma and I have recently discovered the joys of grocery carts with kid cars attached – she is in love and grocery shopping is her favorite weekly adventure.
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Maine is gorgeous with its mountains, ocean waves, lighthouses, friendly-ish people. I love Maine, but not their cold winters! It is stunning and amazing and a little slice of heaven.