Have I mentioned that Dominic bought Project Life (the olive edition!) for me as my Christmas gift? It didn’t come out until January, then we moved in February and on the last day of March I finally opened it all up and started my first layout. I’m planning to do one spread each month to recap our family’s highlights and am really excited to get started and share them!
For ideas and inspiration I’ve perused #projectlife on Instagram the other night. Holy moly, there are some creative ladies out there! But, I’m planning to keep it real simple. No super fancy photos – just our daily snapshots – and handwritten journaling. Because handwriting is precious and speaks so much more than mere typing.
I cherish many of the little notes and words my mama has written me over the years. For some reason, seeing her handwriting brings about a sense of peace. Then, this past week I was sorting through some of my Grammy’s old recipe cards and found this treasure …
Thank God for dirty dishes,
they have a tale to tell;
While other folks go hungry
we are eating well.
With home and health and happiness
we shouldn’t want or fuss
for by this stack of evidence
God is very good to us.
Seeing her handwriting and reading these words gave me a little dose of peace. It reminded me to give thanks and rest in the knowledge that the Lord has everything in control. A much needed reminder.
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This. Is. Amazing. What sweet – yet convicting – words! I, for one, will be remembering your Grammy's words the next time I complain about washing dishes. :)
It really does change your perspective, doesn't it? I for one have never felt hungry, but I'm sure my Grammy did as she was raised during the Depression and obviously developed a true appreciation and heart of thankfulness for everything the Lord blessed her with!