Finding a Routine

The last few nights I’ve been up until midnight … right now, 11:27. Even though I promised Dominic I would head to bed by 11.

You see, being home with Jemma is perfect. All except for the few moments peace that every mother needs – that’s nonexistent. Unless it happens late. When I should be sleeping.

Nap times are filled with my little part-time gig and waking moments are spent playing, running errands, and crossing things off our to-do list. We’ve been getting a lot done, but with her birthday and our trip to Texas coming up we have been uber busy.

I’d share my to-do list, but that would be boring. So I’ll leave you a picture of my work time today …

Nothing better than getting work done while your little snuggles up next to you for a nap. One of these days I’m going to have to close my eyes too :)

I’m looking forward to a few weeks where we can just be home and establish a routine. Like Mondays = laundry, Tuesdays = library, Wednesday = groceries, etc. Except I don’t think that’s going to happen until after the holidays!

Before I forget … a few little things to mention:

  • Jemma is a fast stair crawler now, she climbs with a huge grin and sense of pride
  • She is also standing on her own quite a bit, no steps though
  • Ate pork ribs with us tonight, she is a carnivore baby
  • Says “dada” all the time, no mama yet
  • I was nominated for one of Parent’s blog awards, vote on the top left pink box before 10/15 if you have a moment
  • Sponsorships are free in October to celebrate our birthdays – email me at thatmamagretchen (at) gmail (dot) com if you’d like me to add your button on the right and share a little about your blog/shop in the sponsor post!

It’s 11:44 – a few hours before Jem’s mid-night snack, then up around 6. Maybe tomorrow will be the day I snuggle in for a nap with her.

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  1. says

    yup. it's so hard to get your own quality time when you're at home 24/7. it will get easier when jemma is a bit older and can play independently for a few minutes at a time. then maybe you can clean (fun, huh?) while she plays in the floor of whatever room you're in. here's my tip for mondays and tuesdays when gage is at school. i've never watched too many movies, but i'll find something that looks interesting and watch it while i play with owsley in the living room floor. for me it's kind of a win/win situation. :) (because i'm kind of doing something for myself, right? i mean, it's not scooby doo or yo gabba gabba. it kind of sounds like i'm trying to convince myself now.) :)

  2. Amy Kattre says

    I feel like I could have written this exact post. I used to be early to bed, way before my husband. Now I'm up until about 11:30-12:00 every night! My daughter is 8 1/2 months and still not saying dada or mama. When did Jemma start saying dada?Amy

  3. Frommrstomama says

    that is one of the sweetest pics ever! melted my heart.p.s. i am working on finishing up my vacation post RIGHT now… so should have it to you this afternoon or evening :)

  4. Jamie @ LilyBaby says

    Quiet Momma time at the end of the day is so important. I feel like I'm recharging when I stay up (too) late reading my fave blogs or pinning on Pinterest…it is so, so necessary. I'm following from the PNW Bloggers site. I missed the most recent meetup, but hope to meet you and everyone else at future events!Also, that picture makes me smile. So sweet.

  5. ThatMamaGretchen says

    I didn't make it to the first meetup either – hope to see you at a future one! ________________________________