I’m guessing no one wants another post about how Jemma is growing up so fast and how I can hardly believe where the last 5 months has gone. Right?
So, instead, I’m going to share 5 special moments from the last 5 months. It seems a fitting thing to do since we are celebrating Jemma’s 5 month birthday today.
Of course her actual birth day is one of my favorite things. But, my favorite moment from that saga was when Dominic announced, “It’s a girl!” I had totally prepared for a boy and my heart melted when that announcement came.
There was this one day when Jemma was super fussy.; very unlike her normal self. I listened to her cry, wiped her tears and then it hit me. I knew what she was saying. I knew what her cry meant. I felt like the best mom in the world. We don’t speak the same language right now, but I understood her. I knew what she needed by her facial expressions, cries and movements. J Baby needed to poo. She needed to poo badly. We laid on the floor and did a round of hardcore bicycle legs and then I nursed her so she could relax. Poo came just as I suspected and life was better again. Those moments when we “communicate” are the best. It’s like we have a secret language … J Baby language :)
Last week at the grocery store the grandma working in the bakery told me how adorable Jemma was. She followed with, “If I could buy 1 like her, I would buy 10!” I smiled and told her I thought Jemma was pretty spectacular too. Then she asked me if Jemma was my first child. I told her she was and she replied, “Promise to have many more!” ::blush::
I will, don’t worry, I will :)
Our bedtime routine is flawless. We put on pajamas and a night dipe. I wash off her face with a warm washcloth, which, let me tell you, brings her so much joy. I have never seen a child LOVE to get their face scrubbed, nose picked, ears checked and neck rolls cleaned. She laughs and smiles and wiggles with delight. Silly girl. I turn on our nightlights (battery candles) and white noise and then we snuggle into bed. She nurses to sleep within 10 minutes and that’s that. I say a little prayer for her, caress her hair and pat her little bum. I love seeing her sleep so soundly!
Every day when Jemma and her nanny arrive at work for our lunch nursing time she looks at me with the sweetest smile. I scoop her into my arms and nuzzle her neck as she buries her face into my shoulder. Mama-baby love can’t be broken. When we re-connect, it’s magical.
I could go on and on with special memories. Time is flying and I’m doing my very best to soak up every moment. Because, really, my little girl is going to be 1 (and then 18) before I know it!
I’ll be taking Jemma’s 5 month pictures this weekend so check back for their debut on Sunday! UPDATE – Here’s her sweet pictures :)
What an adorable post ;o)
this was such a sweet post. i loved how your wrote her 5 months. so cute. especially the cleaning her neck rolls :)
This is so lovely. I can't wait to get to know my little girl like you know yours.
Such a cute post!