3 Months

Another month has flown by – MONTH 3!
Jemma has developed such a personality; she cracks us up all the time. Whether it be her sweet smiles, goofy looks or stinky toots we are falling in love with this girl each and every day. Miss J found her hands this month and is constantly chewing on one or the other. She is attached to me for the better part of each day – only taking breaks for a little reading/tummy time or sitting in her Bumbo while I do a round of dishes. 
J currently loves hanging out in her bouncer when I get ready in the morning. It has a dangling owl, squirrel and hedgehog which we call her “forest friends”. She smiles and bats at them while kicking her legs to get the “bouce” going. On the animal note, she has a new favorite book, Little People’s Our Animal Friends and we spend lots of time checking out the savanna, coral reef and forest animals. Bath time is a new favorite as well. She liked it before, but now she smiles and does a little bit of splashing. We started using her pod bath and I can’t get enough of seeing her cute, little squished up body! Early this month she rolled over right after bath time; I think her lack of diaper gave her just the right momentum/balance to flip. I can’t believe she is moving so much – we’re keeping a much closer eye on her now.
Her carseat is considered the enemy of all enemies. It makes errands quite difficult. She hates being strapped in and not having someone hold her. We try our darndest to distract her with books, songs and conversation, but rarely have any luck. Poor thing gets super sweaty from crying and then she cries more since she is hot and uncomfortable. It’s tragic. I’m very much hoping she grows out of this.
Breastfeeding is going extremely well. It’s our special bonding time and I see no end coming soon. It absolutely melts my heart when she pauses and glances up at me with a big smile. Although she hasn’t said any words yet; those looks speak volumes. More times than not she nods off while eating and we snuggle up for a cat nap.
Routine-wise, she has been falling asleep earlier – as early as 7 pm, but as late as 10 pm. This then dictates when she wakes up at night. We’ve had some middle of the night snack snuggles around 2-3 am and are usually nibbling again when Daddy is getting ready for work around 6 am. I’m lucky if she falls back asleep after Daddy’s whisker kisses at 7:30 am. But, the earlier we get up, the better chance we have for a decent nap during the day. Since we have such good nights, naps are few and far between. Usually linked with nursing and never outside of my arms. I’m really ok with that. I prefer to snuggle her while she sleeps anyway. These moments are priceless and I’d rather spoil her with love than other things.
Now that she chomps on her hands all the time she gets finger lint. Her goobery hands attract fuzz and then her chubby hands trap it. Multiple times each day I wipe down her hands, face and neck. Gotta keep all the milk and lint crevices clean! Just one of those funny baby things. Speaking of funny … last night she let out the biggest giggle to date, while she was sleeping no less. Guess she was having a funny dream!
I cried this month over her growing up so fast. It seems like she has been a part of our family forever and then again, it seems like she just arrived. I’m addicted to her snuggles and sweetness. She is truly the greatest gift and I can’t wait for the many months to come.
Don’t let me fool you … I’m not always happy
See … I can really wail
But then, life gets better and I’m really to move on to bigger and better things
And continue on with being a cutie patootie
Check me out! I can hold my hands!
All these pictures make me feel a bit drowsy …
Gosh, mama … give me a break!
Like, really … I’m done with pictures and would like a snack … NOW!
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  1. says

    Hi! I have been following your blog for a few months now, I came across it during some blog hop, and I just wanted to tell you that your blogs is one of my favorites that I read. I so look forward to your new postings, and love reading about you, the adorable miss Jemma, and your changing life as a family. You radiant joy with life and motherhood are inspiring, and I just wanted to let you know how much I truly love your blog. Thanks for all the sharing you do!!Erin

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