Happy 2nd Birthday, Jemma!

Yesterday we celebrated Jemma’s 2nd birthday!

Words cannot quite express how blessed I feel to have such a happy, healthy girl as part of our family. Jem has grown so much in the last year and I’m immensely proud of who she is and who she is becoming. Daily, I praise the Lord for giving our family such a beautiful gift. We love you Miss Jemma!

I can hardly believe the change between age 1 and age 2 …

It was mega hard to get a decent picture for her age 2 memory book shot. She was less than interested in looking at me and smiling at the same time. But, then again, she’s always on the move, so I guess this photo captures the essence of Jemma at age 2 :) I seriously can’t believe how much she has grown this past year – at age 1 she was my super chubby little girl; barely walking with rolls galore. In the last year she’s gained only 2 pounds and a ton of inches! Plus a gorgeous head of blonde hair. Hence, the transformation from baby face to rock ‘n roll toddler. Watch out world – Jemma is coming at you!

To celebrate, we had a quiet family dinner – homemade mac and cheese (recipe coming soon), corn on the cob, and brownies. She opened two presents – her balance bike and some Sesame Street loot from her auntie – we’re saving the rest for her party this weekend. I can’t wait to share pictures of her “Everyone Loves an Italian Girl” party!

As a special memento, Jemma’s Daddy (affectionately known as “DA-EEEEEE!!!”) wrote Jem a birthday note. I especially love the ending, oh Da-eee :)

My dearest Jemma,

There are not words to describe the depths of love that I have for “My Little Girl”. You are a tremendous blessing from the Lord – one I give thanks for daily. Your ability to make me smile, make me laugh, make me enjoy life, never ceases to amaze me. You we were created in God’s image and the outcome was truly a masterpiece.

Now that you are turning 2-years-old, your Daddy is beginning to really feel old. I remember meeting you on the day you were born; I was the first person you made eye contact with and at that moment, I knew I would love you forever – unconditionally. These first two years of your life have been such a joy to share with you and Mama. I am so excited to watch you grow old and I am so very PROUD of everything you do.

Thank you for being such a sweet, beautiful and loving daughter and big sister. When you convince Mama that it is the right time, Daddy will buy you a pony!

Love, Your biggest fan

Isn’t Jemma super lucky to have such an awesome Daddy? I’m so proud to have Dominic as my husband – he’s the perfect father for my children and I’m beyond blessed to have him as my partner in life. It’s amazing to believe that we’ve been at this parenting gig for the last 2 years – here’s to many more adventures!

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  1. Nessa Bixler says

    Oh my that daddy note is the sweetest thing ever. Happy birthday Jemma!!


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