
garden beauties | biscotti & decaf snack | new mama bag | my view looking down

Enjoying … the last days of pregnancy. Everywhere I go people ask how I’m doing. But it’s not like, “How is your day?” It’s more like, “HOW … ARE … YOU … DOING?” with a sly smile and a curious grin like they are hoping I’ll say something like, “I’m 48 days overdue, how are you today?” Bahahaha! Really though, I’m enjoying the last days. I’m large and in charge. I’m aching too. But I’m cherishing every last snuggle with Jem and relishing in the tummy bumps from the inside. Before I know it my arms, lap, mind, and heart will be overflowing with two little loves!

Learning to … believe and act on the idea that less is more. Ever since I read “7” I’ve been minimizing the things I bring home and assessing what I need to keep.

Inspired by … my closet. It’s full on maternity-to-regular-body transition clothes and I’m excited to wear shirts that actually cover my belly. Plus, my biggest transition time will be in the Fall when scarves and chunky sweaters are all the rage. I’ll be the only one who even knows I have post-baby tummy flub :)

Becoming … obsessed with ideas for the new house. At night I just lay in bed walking through all the rooms and dreaming up color schemes and knick knacks I’m searching for. P freakin’ S – we got great news from the county this week! We should have approval for the set back variance in a week or two! Then we’ll be on to the building permit, clearing, and excavation – WOOHOO!

Indulging in … Chocolate Cobbler. Need I say more?

Enjoying … all little things. I think she is pretty darn obsessed with miniatures. Aunt Kiki found her vintage Littlest Pet Shop creatures this week and Jemma has spent so much time arranging, setting up, and talking to her minis.

Learning to … draw circles! Circles are obviously the basis of all wonderful things that can be drawn and colored – for example, DAWGS and MEOWS. Jem draws and circle and then demands that someone hold a crayon with her to add ears and add in facial features.

Inspired by … necklaces. The perfect accessory for every outfit :)

Becoming … more efficient with cleaning up messes. It’s so sweet to watch her put away books, bowls, and other messes that get sprawled out throughout the day. She isn’t always into it, but most times, she follows directions quite well.

Indulging in … Chocolate Cobbler. Like mother, like daughter :)

Harvesting Kale
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  1. says

    You're lucky that you're going to be transitioning back to a "normal" body in the fall! I had Kale in May and had to suffer through swim suit season :(

  2. says

    Good luck with your new house! I do the same thing with laying up at night obsessing about decor. I'm sure it will be beautiful though.

  3. ThatMamaGretchen says

    I definitely need an off button for all my ideas and dreams! Too many late nights lately!

  4. Ashley says

    ha, im also due soon and SO SICK of people tilting their head and asking me how i am doing….good intentions..but a little old.

  5. ThatMamaGretchen says

    Yes .. good intentions, but it kind of makes me just want to stay at home :)