Eric Carle to the Rescue

I hadn’t thought too hard about a baby book for our little one. Up until now, this blog has acted as our main source of tracking baby’s progress. But, thinking back to my childhood I loved looking through my baby book and being able to see and touch pictures and my mom’s handwriting. So I […]

Blog Friend’s Soap Box (and maybe my future one)

I haven’t embarked on my breastfeeding journey … but it’s coming. At the moment I’m a bit consumed by the science of it. But, these types of posts always catch my eye … read the “Nursing in Public War” and let me know what you think. I think she’s got a pretty valid point.

Book Mountain

I have a plethora of reading to accomplish before baby arrives … good thing I learned how to skim and find the real important stuff in college! The Girlfriend’s Guide to Pregnancy by Vicki Iovine – in progress Gentle Birth Choices by Barbara Harper, R.N. – DONE! The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by La Leche […]

My list of “to-read before baby” is quickly growing … I’ll be honest, the books on labor are being pushed to the bottom. I think I’ve gathered the overall message, “1,000 things could happen and every mom is different”. I’ve moved on to other topics like Healthy Meals for Babies and Toddlers. I found this […]


My co-worker, Kami, has the vibe. She gets what I mean when I get passionate about breastfeeding and knows why cloth diapers are so darn exciting :) Last week she gave me Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering and it has skyrocketed to my top favorite baby books. It is written by Dr. Sarah Buckley, MD who […]