• Back to School with Smile Zemi
  • Road Trip Audiobooks for the Whole Family
  • Meet Chunk, Nugget’s Sibling!
  • Mother’s Day Gift Guide
  • 20 Easter Basket Gift Ideas

Christmas Gift Guide for Kids

Some items listed below were gifted for review purposes. I wouldn’t share if they didn’t truly earn a spot though! Ever since the Amazon catalog arrived in the mail my crew has been all, “Please add this to my watch list”. That’s what they call their wish list and I love seeing what all they’re […]

Christmas Gift Guide for Mamas

Some items listed below were gifted for review purposes. I wouldn’t share if they didn’t truly earn a spot though! ‘Tis the season for the much anticipated gift guides! I usually like to wait until after Thanksgiving, to give gratitude it’s due time to shine, but there are so many great deals already happening – […]

Five Favorites

We spent the last week of October in Houston.​​​​​​​ Dominic had a trip for work and the kids and I tagged along. Best of all, I talked my mom into meeting us there! It was a wonderful week and I can’t wait to share all about the grand things to do and see around there. […]

Halloween 2022 | Disneyland Inspired Costumes

For almost a year the kids have been prepping and planning their Disney inspired costumes. ​​​​​​​The only things we purchased new were Max’s mustache and their Disneyland name tags! Everything else was thrifted or from our closets. It all started with Jem’s love of Imagineer Mary Blair. And this book. And this one too. I […]

8 Timeless Disneyland Tips

This fall we spent a fabulous five days in Disneyland and California Adventure. From magical moments with cast members to fantastic first time experiences, we, once again, fell in love with the Happiest Place on Earth. Whenever I post photos I get a handful of questions about how to do Disney best so I figured […]

Apple Pie Cream Cheese Bread

My dear friend, Bianca, once shared the very best banana bread recipe with me. It has become a family staple for us and this year we used it as a base recipe to create a perfect fall treat – Apple Pie Cream Cheese Bread. We finished a loaf straight out of the oven, smeared in […]

My Sister’s Nursery Tour

Today’s post is sponsored by Pixsee. We’re thrilled to review this smart baby monitor! I’ve been keeping a very fabulous secret over the last few months … my sister is expecting! I’m going to be an auntie again!!! Suffice to say, I’m thrilled. The kids are thrilled. My whole extended family is thrilled. This little […]

Free Printable: Disney Movies Based on Rides

When the countdown to a Disney trip is on – it’s time to do your homework! Print this checklist of Disney movies, organized by land and ride before you venture to California’s Disneyland and California Adventure. You’ll get the full story behind so much of the magic and enjoy your trip all the more! Print […]

A Magical California Adventure Bucket List

Did you catch the Disneyland Bucket List? Well, I couldn’t very well leave out California Adventure, because, when it comes down to it – I love it equally as much. I remember California Adventure way back when. When those big letters spelled out C-A-L-I-F-O-R-N-I-A. We took family photos by the R to represent our family […]

Princess Belle Smoothie

I’ve made it a goal to get veggies into my boys via smoothie a few times each week. For a long time they baulked at the idea of a GREEN SMOOTHIE or any other that had a hint of vegetable despite how delicious it may be. And then I named our typical green smoothie … […]

A Magical Disneyland Bucket List

I’m about to embark on what I’m pretty sure is Disney trip #14! Seven of those trips have been since I first took Jem when she was five … since I really started studying Disneyland and strategizing our trips and aiming to experience many of the unique things about the park. What a ride! If […]