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Flip-o-rama: More on the Flip Diaper System

I’m enamored with my diaper selection and can’t wait to stock the nursery with an abundance of them. When I close my eyes I see an adorable changing table with baskets of diapers underneath in bright, bold colors and for a brief moment I wish I had a very stinky baby who needed changing :) […]

Today could be a meltdown day

They are becoming fewer and far between, but those certain days at work that fluster your feathers accompanied by life’s drama tend to tip me off the edge … towards a meltdown. Then I get an awesome reminder of why I need to stop, breathe, and be still in His presence (sent directly to my […]

House Husband

Today at work I got this photo text and caption from Dominic … I’m the best dish-doing, kitchen-cleaning, box-building house husband in all the land. And let me tell you … IT IS TRUE! He has been doing laundry, cleaning, cooking, looking for a job and new house, completing the “Honey-Do List”, and assembling 21,000 […]

Baby’s First Holiday

With a due date of October 9th I am pretty sure our beluga will arrive before Halloween. I’m already planning for the big holiday with this leopard print diaper cover … can you guess what we are going to be?If I had a bone of secrecy in my being I wouldn’t tell, but since I […]

Appointment Dos

I have never been so excited for a Monday! All weekend I’ve been trying my hardest to enjoy my days off, but the anticipation of hearing the heartbeat again kept me wishing for my Monday alarm.Sometimes I still question if there is a baby in there. It’s hard to connect when I haven’t been very […]

Roasted Pear Sauce

In the last month or so I’ve been downing applesauce like there is no tomorrow. I can eat it warm, hot, cold, with cinnamon, chunky, in cottage cheese … you name it, I love it. In an effort to balance things out I was thrilled to run across this recipe for Roasted Pear Sauce in […]

Baby Hubcap?

Mom (via text): What about Finn Anthony? Gretchen: Dominic, what do you think about Finn Anthony? Dominic: What? Why not name him Bumper or Hubcap? No. No, no, no. Gretchen: Well, I like it. Why can’t you contribute anything new? The conversation went downhill from there. End of the story – we’re not any closer […]