Yellowstone or Bust!

Every month, May until baby arrives in December has something big happening – graduations, birthdays, my 10 year high school reunion, Dom and I’s anniversary, holidays, trips … busy, busy, busy. The wonderful kind of busy. I have a feeling this pregnancy is going to FLY by; good thing I’m not anticipating us needing much preparation […]

Homeschool Adventures … Spring Nature Walk

Much of what we do in regard to homeschooling falls into the “play” category. With Jemma and Max being 4 1/2 and 2 1/2 respectively, book work just isn’t necessary most days. They’re at the age where play is their best teacher and so, that’s what we often do. During the week and as often as […]

Our Whole Life Is Like Spring Break

Spring Break has come and gone and you know what? It was a lot like every other week we have around here. It’s one of the greatest gifts of being a stay at home mom. I can take little adventures and long naps any day I want for the most part. I love this part of my […]

This Mama Hearts Austin, Texas

The final installment of our vacation is upon you! Hallelujah! This one will be real fun because if you’re traveling to Austin (someday … ever … you should really plan on it) I’ve got a bunch of links to things we loved.  We left Lubbock by way of a 6 hour road trip. My sister […]

Howdy Lubbock, Texas!

Home, home, we are finally home! After spending almost all of February in Texas we’re back in green country – AKA, the Northwest – and so happy to have such a swell trip under our belts. The kids are smitten with the toys they missed and are loving bedtime more than ever because hella yes […]

Have Shoes, Will Run … Austin, Texas 5K

Ya’ll are just aching to hear about the 5K, right? Good news is … I’m staying up late to write about it! Great news is … I’m already looking forward to my next race in March so you know it must have gone decent! The running bug has bit and I think I’m officially owning the […]

To the Mountains We Go!

Last month I told my mama that I really wanted to go to Leavenworth. I hadn’t been since I was seven or eight and seeing that my name is Gretchen of the German variety, is only seems natural that I make frequent trips to Bavaria … even if it is a pretend version hidden in […]

Because — BEACH!

It’s my girl’s 4th birthday today! Happy Birthday, Jemma Pie! We began our celebration this last weekend with a trip to the beach. Jem loves the coast, as we all do, so when she asked if we could go again I was 100% game!  Going to the Washington Coast on the last days of September […]

Summer Bucket List Report

The summer bucket list report is here! I’m all for these seasonal goals/lists of fun because it feels much more achievable than annual resolutions. Agree? Disagree? Does your family do bucket lists for seasons? Either way, it only seemed right to report back on how we did with our plans! It was a full, wonderful summer. This […]

Getting To Know Our Food Source

Jemma is almost 4 and sometimes I fear that she believes her food comes from the refrigerator. And it does. But a lot leads up to the fridge. Amiright? So, with our recent beef purchase and preschool appropriate conversation of how it came to be in our freezer, I decided it was high time we […]