This Month On


Pause right there and download the Prisma app. It’s my new favorite. I’m prisma-ing everything. 

Next up. Forgive me for the massive wave of sponsored posts lately. I got behind while in Austin and everything just piled up and piled up high. I hate it, you hate it, but we all gots to pay the bills so I love and appreciate you for your support and continued reading. Good stuff is coming. Like, Disneyland stuff, Jemma’s room tour, and all our homeschooling adventures which I deem mega exciting. And, well, sponsored stuff means giveaways and that make it a little bit better, right? Check ’em out >>> one, two, three, four

Let’s see. What else?

I bought blueberry cheese at Costco last week. It was a sample and totally sucked me in. Sounds awful, tastes AMAZING. Look for it at yours and don’t be scared. Just buy it. Max also talked me into a TMNT costume for Halloween and, most likely, every day. I’m so glad that my BC funds (before children) now go to things like itchy costumes that are made of material that can’t withstand the washing machine. 

And, finally, after visiting Texas during the summer months I can pretty much guarantee that I’ll never live in the south. That heat? Just no. How do you Southern folk handle it? AC can’t even keep up! Your amazing food just isn’t worth it.

Now, my writings from … enjoy!

To All the Second Moms Who Help Us Survive

Aunts make the world go round. #truth

A Day Full of Mom Fails

Put a fork in me and call me done. D-O-N-E.

12 Thoughts From My First Postpartum Workout

Baby #3 did a number on his mama. And I’m trying to remedy it, but man, it’s slllllllllllow going.

8 Things To Focus On When Morning Sickness Kicks In

This is not a pregnancy announcement. This is just an ode to the many mama friends I have who are expecting. All my love!

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  1. Lexy Overstreet Broome says

    Love prisma! It’s so cool and beautiful to see pics transformed!!

  2. janie vezina says

    blueberry cheese sounds different

  3. Molly says

    I love the article on the second mom! My mom has amazing sisters and I am sure they can all relate.