Back To School Haul + a Giveaway!

Jem and I hustled our buns to Walmart this weekend to stock up on back to school supplies. Deal alert right here! Let me tell you, she and I are two peas in a pod when it comes to back to school shopping.

We love all the savings – BOGO, extra bonuses, extreme sales, and all that.

We love the fresh smell – pencils, smelly markers, new books. Soak. It. In.

And, Jemma most of all LOVES coordinating and organizing – pink binder, pink ruler,  pink stapler, pink everything.

walmart back to school

Without sounding too harsh, Jemma has been borderline annoying since all the back to school things have been popping up in stores. That girl is so stinkin’ excited to begin school. She has been sneaking looks at all her curriculum and is constantly chattering about all the things she’s going to learn as a kindergartener. Over the summer her reading has taken off and the other day she told me that she had learned to count to 100. Just cause I’m not officially teaching her yet doesn’t mean she isn’t learning!

I’m so happy she has a zest for learning. Here eagerness for education is going to take her far and I can’t wait to see what is to come.







Box Tops for Education is an easy way to give back to schools by buying products you already use at home. Plus, lots of school supply lists ask for Kleenex among other personal and classroom supplies and both Walmart and are offering double the Box Tops on Scott, Viva, and Kleenex products. Boom! So, while you’re shopping at Walmart for the basics, be sure to stock up stat on all the Double Box Top products!


Even though we’re homeschooling this year, Jemma is involved in some extracurriculars connected to our local school and both my mom and sister teach so I’m happy to purchase products with Box Tops when I can. And what’s better than regular Box Tops? DOUBLE BOX TOPS!

Learn how Box Tops turn into cash for your school here. Box Tops are a simple and free way to give back to the communities who give so much to our kids. Why not join in? Especially during Double Box Top season?

box tops

Are you stocking up for back to school season right now? What was in your haul? Tell me your must have back to school products — Jemma is loving her new set of markers and cute little stapler — and be sure to enter the giveaway below to help fund your back to school shopping!

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. says

    She’s adorable! Love those Walmart Savings!

  2. Stacey says

    Jemma! Your writing looks GREAT! I have always loved supply shopping . Thanks for the tip on Walmart. I started to compare lists (we are between two schools for Digs) and tried to figure out where to go. Need to get my booty out there!

  3. Heather says

    The kleenex! For all of my tears. Lol

  4. Kyle Wisdom says

    Lots of pencils and paper are a must have for us :)K

  5. Aimee says

    Jemma I love your excitement for learning!! You are such a joy to see on my newsfeed :)

  6. says

    Girl, everyone needs TP! All day every day! Double points is awesome.

  7. Jennifer Hall says

    I love all the new school supplies! New box of crayolas make me super happy!

  8. Kathy says

    Love those back to school smells😍

  9. Julie Wood says

    I would use the Kleenex to put in my child’s bag to make sure she has a Kleenex at school for those runny nose that she gets,

  10. Maribel F says

    Kleenex to clean boogers😊

  11. Laura m says

    Paper towels! To clean up after all those projects!

  12. Wendy hutton says

    the kleenex would be one to use the kids are always asked to bring a box to school along with their supplies

  13. Ashley Perez says

    Pencils and paper (:

  14. says

    My Son is starting Kindergarten so I am going to need multiple boxes of Kleenex! he has been at hone with me all this time and the school is huge! They have 12 Kindergarten classes.

  15. Marian says

    Kleenex! My daughter has to take boxes of tissues to school and the kids will sometimes share them so they don’t tend last long. Not to mention that cold and flu season is just around the corner. I love the nice desk set up you have for Jemma.

  16. Jenn H says

    Toilet paper! Seems funny but we’re homeschoolers! So school supplies also means home supplies since we’re home much of the time!!!

  17. Chelsie says

    Back to school shopping was something I got so excited about as a child! And WOW- so impressed by Jemma’s handwriting!

  18. says

    We’re not heading to school yet since Caleb is too young but I’m definitely thinking the keenex!

  19. rust says

    The kleenex. I use it in every room, it seems.

  20. Laurajj says

    Oh we would use the Kleenex! Its on our school list also, to bring two boxes! Helps the teacher stock up for the kids when we they get colds, and we always use at home. School year and fall always brings colds into our house….thankfully we have Kleenex!

  21. Aimee says

    Kleenex tissues because C hates a runny nose ;) LOL

  22. Darah says

    ALL the Kleenex- even though we homeschool, with 3 kids we totally get that round of back to school colds that everyone else seems to! Good luck, good luck! And best advice I ever got: everyone hates homeschooling in November and February. It’s just part of the process. <3

  23. says

    The more my kids are around other kids, the more we need Kleenex for all the sniffles they pass around to each other! ;)

  24. Jenelle Hutnik says

    Jemma, you are a girl after my own heart! Ryker and I are going to hit up wal mart first thing in the morning while Pat sleeps! Definitely stocking up on tissues for my classroom while we are there :)

  25. Leila C says

    Kleenex! Love this & Jem’s cute pictures!

  26. Alicia Meyer says

    Kora loves fresh markers and freshly sharpened pencils!

  27. Stephanie says

    We use lots of tissues around here! (Well, it’s mostly me…)

  28. Kelly says

    Kleenex for the nose pickers :/ and we use so many paper towels making lunches and cleaning up after!

  29. Jen says

    Kleenex use goes up during the school year, for sure. Colds, etc to deal with 😉

  30. Amy says

    We already finished our BTS shopping but it wouldn’t hurt to have backup for those supplies that need to be replenished throughout the year.

  31. says

    VIVA paper towels are my go-to brand. I think they’re great to send in for the teachers too for art projects, classroom clean up etc.

  32. Dawn Monroe says

    I would use the Kleenex because its on all my grandkids school supplies list. The teachers keep them in the class room.

  33. latanya says

    I would use the kleenex

  34. Natalie says

    I would donate a box of Kleenex to my daughter’s school/classroom.

  35. Ellie Wright says

    Kleenex for my grandson’s allergies. He’s always sniffly in the morning before school.

  36. Kristen says

    I’d put some Kleenex in the car for those moments when you need one on the drive to school.

  37. Tina W says

    Viva Vantage! They are great to keep in the car to clean up the ‘on-the-go’ breakfast spills.

  38. Dawn Keenan says

    The kleenex are a must have for us. It seems like someone always has a runny nose!

  39. Cheryl B says

    I would donate the Kleenex to my Granddaughter’s Kindergarten class.

  40. Sara Floyd says

    You can never have too many tissues. I would use the Kleenex

  41. HS says

    I would use Kleenex the most. Pocket size Kleenex for kids and boxed Kleenex in the car and house.

  42. carol clark says

    Kleenex things get real messy

  43. Stefanie G says

    definitely the kleenex tissues for all of our sinus issues!!

  44. Janet W. says

    I would definitely use the Kleenex for morning congestion! I would also give a box to my grandsons’ teachers.

  45. Lee mckeon says

    The Kleenex on the back to school list we had to take 4 boxes for the classroom!

  46. Elena says

    Kleenex because tissues are always useful

  47. says

    We would definitely use Kleenex tissues in our back-to-school routine.

  48. Rivka says

    I would use the paper towels- they come in handy when making lunches.

  49. Dana Rodriguez says

    Kleenex tissues for those runny noses!

  50. Chelsey L says

    We would definitely use the Kleenex! I feel like we are constantly fighting runny noses! We wouldn’t necessarily use the toilet paper at school but we do save the tubes for school projects!

  51. Ellen casper says

    Kleenex tissues, teachers always request them on the school supply list.

  52. Sharon Rooney says

    I would use the Kleenex and the Scott toilet paper. The Kleenex for nose blowing and Scott Tp for you know.

  53. Anna says

    Our school district is doing something new this year and there is NO back to school list! They want to make it fair for all the kids in all the schools in the district, so the district is supplying everything. Super interesting to see how it goes. But one of the kids needed a new backpack, so we finally went to the Jansport outlet and got one…that way we have a backpack with a lifetime guarantee!

  54. Robert Shook says

    Kleenex for sure!

  55. Cindy B says

    Kleenex. I am crying lots as a homeschooling mom lol but I love all the products !!

  56. Jennifer Marie says

    The Kleenex for sure. I cry every first day of school :/

  57. Sarah Hayes says

    we will use Kleenex for keeping noses clean and other little random jobs that tissues are good for

  58. Birdiebee says

    I would use the Kleenex tissues, Viva paper towels and Scott toilet paper for everyday use at our household.

  59. Tracie Cooper says

    I would love to use the paper towels to do a back to school cleaning of my kiddos bedrooms!

  60. Breanna Pollard says


  61. kelley foulk says

    kleenex is a big part of our back to school shopping!!!! you never know when you need them

  62. Christian H says

    I would use the Kleenex everyday facial tissues to wipe runny noses from back to school colds!

  63. Thomas Murphy says

    I would use the Kleenex for clean up.