I’ve been hesitant to complain about my pregnancy symptoms, because for the most part I experienced no/low morning sickness in the first trimester. I’ll be honest, if I had been super sick and you hadn’t I would harbor a bit of resentment, and I don’t want you all to hate me for my lack of […]
Mother’s Day Dessert
In anticipation for the new holiday in my life I have selected this dessert for my first Mother’s Day! Rhubarb-Strawberry Pie By: Melanie Schrenezel, feautured in May 2010 Real Simple Serves 8 Hands-On Time: 30m Total Time: 4hr 00m Ingredients 2 pounds rhubarb, cut into 1-inch pieces (about 7 cups) 1/2 pounds strawberries, sliced (about […]
Have you seen the Moby wrap? Have you used it? Dominic thinks it is a bit urban; I think it is a bit fabulous. What do you think?
As of today I have identified 3 surprise monsters who are hiding away in the closet of life … the big unknowns of my pregnancy. If our baby will be a boy or girl – I do have some control over this one, but I’m sticking to my guns and going the old-fashioned route and […]
I really love to clean. It’s not anything compulsive, it’s just that you can see a difference when you’re through. Not like raising kids or something that you’re not sure how it’s going to turn out for a couple of decades. -Jill Churchill, author of Farewell to Yarns

When I was born my parents created scherenschnitte birth announcements. It is a crafty process requiring mass amounts of patience. They look something like this … In the spirit of tradition I would really like to do something along these lines for our little one. I’ll have to try and find a copy of mine […]
Nursery, piece by piece

This was a week of blessings. Daily I’m amazed how God is preparing our hearts and our nursery to welcome this little one. The Kindergarten class is becoming quite the hot spot for nursery deals :) My mom found a family who was selling their youngest’s crib and we got first dibs! I’ve been researching […]
Beach Escape – Spring 2010
Being pregnant is like getting on a train that whisks you down the track to a destination not precisely known. -Rahima Baldwin and Terra Palmarini Richardson, Pregnant Feelings: Developing Trust in Birth