Out of the dark I feel a tiny hand reach across my neck. Jemma’s fingers curl into my skin and I hear a deep sigh. And then, these words, “I love you Mommy”. My heart swells as I whisper back, “I love you too.” She squeezes my neck in acknowledgement and shuffles her body closer […]
The Joy of What Tomorrow Will Bring
It took me somewhere between 13 and 15 months post-baby, but I’ve finally fallen into a rhythm with life. Honestly, I roll my eyes and dare I say, judge a bit (so sorry, but true), when I hear of new mom’s returning to their workout schedules and cooking gourmet meals with an itty bitty around. […]
The Okay Mom
I wrote this a few months ago – July sometime I think. It took me a really really long time to fall into the groove with two kids. Like, one or two days out of the week went well, that’s it. Thankfully, everyone has aged a bit – me included – and we’re handling the […]
The Silver Lining

Uh. Postpartum weight loss. Not a fun topic, but one of those facts of life that is so utterly real it’s annoying. After Max was born I had this grandiose idea of documenting my journey back to … well, back to something “normal”. Whatever that is. Pre-Jemma I had some of those happy marriage pounds […]
Early Mornings
Today is early. Just like yesterday. And the day before. You see, I’m a night owl and this is not my cup of tea. Rising before the sun, choosing to embrace the day, filling sippies, and changing diapers. Last night I was up until midnight. I could have kept going; I was on a role […]
Do Not Pray for Easy Lives
I woke up this morning to a crying toddler distraught about the movie she wanted to watch. “Moo! Moo!” she shrieked. I gathered my bearings as she shoved my glasses onto my face – upside down. I responded with a whisper, reminding her that our baby was still sleeping, only to see that the “moo” […]