Sigh of relief. Kind of. We are steadily progressing towards some sort of logical plan in regard to vaccinations. Lots of pieces to this puzzle, let me tell you! More on this later … actually, alot more. I have a whole slew of posts coming together for the next few days. But, until then I […]
Vaccine Class
Tuesday night we attended the vaccine class which was the pinnacle of our research. It was all I had hoped for and more … great handouts, awesome Q & A and a wonderful perspective from a reliable source. If you live near Portland, Oregon I highly recommend checking out Dr. Hofmann-Smith’s seminar. Well worth the […]
Brownie Points for Auntie K
Katie and Hannah (Baby’s Aunties) have been having a friendly competition of “Favorite Aunt”. Today Katie gets mass brownie points! She took a break from her busy graduate classes/homework to pick up two new FuzziBuns cloth diapers that we found of Craigslist. Icing on the brownie was the price … $10 FOR TWO!!! Thanks Auntie […]
Mama Wisdom – Teething
The Andaluz group has done it again! Great ideas on how to cope with teething … Mama’s fingers Teethers Frozen washcloths Large carrots Sophie the Giraffe Amber teething necklace Hyland’s teething tablets and gels Bach’s Rescue Remedy Other notes … Don’t use Orajel. It actually toughens the gums making teething last longer and more painful […]
I LOVE reading about how other mamas take very complex ideas and make them simple. Take Melissa from Dear Baby and her approach to making baby food. Very complex to think about home-making every bite your baby ingests … then again, very simple. Read her advice here!
More on Vaccines
Shaylynn over at Life Unexpected has been researching vaccines too. She has gathered some great resources and has a very thorough vaccine plan … check it out here!
In-Action Advice from a Real Cloth Diapering Mama
Tales of the Wife has amazing and extensive resources on her experience cloth diapering. She compiled it all into one post and I KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT I will be back to study it once my little one arrives.
This nutrition stuff is crazy. So much to remember and fit into my daily diet so I am properly providing for my little one. Bradley highly recommends salt being added into pregnant mama’s diets (this recommendation comes from Dr. Brewer who wrote The Brewer Medical Diet for Normal and High-Risk Pregnancy).Here is a teaspoon (or […]
Like Granola
I’m sensing that I am quickly falling into the crunchy mama category :) Crunchy like granola which is a good thing, right? Check out the other Crunchy Mamas this week with Wonder and Wander’s Crunch Hop!
Vaccine Research
I’m attacking the bear that is vaccines. Unchartered territory for this mama! So far I plan to read The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears. Haven’t started yet, but it is high on my list of things to do. Review the Danish Childhood Vaccination Schedule which my sister recommended. Attend a vaccination education class being offered […]
Mama Wisdom – Yeast Diaper Rash
I’m part of a Yahoo! group specific for the moms who have babies at Andaluz. It has been such a great resource for product reviews, ailments and everything else mama/baby related. I started an e-mail folder for things I think I might need to know down the road (kind of vague, but you know those […]