The big kids and I went to the first ever Seattle Children’s Book Festival last weekend. It was so wonderful and we can’t wait for next year!
We went specifically to meet LeUyen Pham, the illustrator of the Princess in Black series. These books are a top favorite for both Jemma and Max and we made it just in time for her presentation. From there we stood in line for personalized autographs … she drew their portraits in less than a minute!
Pham said something in her mini lecture that will stick with me always … forgive my paraphrase, but basically, she said that around the age of 8-9, kids stop drawing. It’s when their handwriting lessons in school become more intense and they begin to interpret curved lines as wrong. She encouraged kids to keep drawing, but even more, she encouraged parents and teachers to find time and resources to keep kids sketching! Her other advice was to always draw in pen (there are no mistakes!) and practice drawing on moving objects so you learn control while bouncing in the car, etc. Finally, she talked about art as a communication tool – one that requires no language lessons! Pictures evoke emotions and messages that transcend borders. Isn’t that just lovely to think about?
Jemma was also excited to meet Asia Citro who writes the Zoey and Sassafras series. Asia had a not yet released book for sale so Jem scooped that one up and read it while we waited to pay for all our book treasures.
I could have easily bought 20 books at the festival! But, we kept it to just a few and added gobs more to our library hold and wish list :) Below I’ll share what we bought as well as a list of others we have our eye on.

Tiger Days: A Book About Feelings by M.H. Clark
M.H. Clark is one of my most favorite children’s authors and this book did not disappoint. Reid is my tiger-loving boy (see here!) so I couldn’t leave this festival without this book. I had it autographed in honor of his 4th birthday and we’re tucking it away as a gift. He’s going to love it!
Tiny, Perfect Things by M.H. Clark
Another Clark gem! This book is all about appreciating the little things … such a wonderful practice for grown-ups and kids alike! The embossed cover is especially beautiful!
Pigeon Math by Asia Citro
We visited Asia Citro’s booth for Zoey and Sassafras, but left with this new favorite! It just came out on September 24, 2019 so if it’s not yet in your local libraries catalog be sure to request a copy! Your kids will laugh their way through math facts and you can check off math practice for the day once you’re done reading :) I hope Asia comes other with other math-related stories – this one is so fun!
Trees by Verlie Hutchens and illustrated by Jing Jing Song
When I first perused the author/illustrator line-up for the festival, this book caught my eye right away. Jing Jing Song’s work in this book makes the trees jump off the pages … I just adore all the detail!
Now, the others we hope to read soon …
- Just Like Beverly – Jem hoped to buy this one, but the author was sold out! We just put a hold on it at the library.
- Wedgie and Gizmo series – Pretty sure Max is going to think these are hilarious!
- King and Kayla series – Mysteries for littles, count us in!
- Grizzly Boy – This might make my boys a little wild, but wild books are extra fun, right?
- Tiny T. Rex and the Impossible Hug – Read this one now and then plan ahead for another Tiny T. Rex book coming out in 2020!
- Penguinaut – We’re all about space books right now thanks to our Astronomy study. I love incorporating the little boys with fun picture books like this.
- My Heart – Get ready to tear up! I flipped through this one and almost bought, but, well, book budget, lol!
- Honeysmoke: A Story of Finding Your Color – I can’t wait to read this one!
- Shawn Loves Sharks – For all the shark lovers out there!
- Mary Wears What She Wants – Inspired by the true story of Mary Edwards Walker, excited for this!