This + That


Remember when I mentioned the darling shop, Ella & Ezzi, the other week? Sadly, her mama is terminally ill and there is a YouCaring fundraiser going on to help fly family to Minnesota to say goodbye. If you had an Ella & Ezzi Memory Game on your shopping list for Christmas, read this post, donate $50, and you’ll get one for free. This is the perfect combination of giving to a wonderful family while receiving a beautifully made gift.

And now, a little bit of this and a little bit of that …

New favorite devotion

Loving these sweet mamas —> here and here

Look for this in your grocery store, amazing! 

This mama has the best gift guides

Never thought I’d be excited to buy these things

When the Holidays Are Hard

Bring it on

And just to balance things out :)

Every stocking needs a daily dose of warm and cozy!

Don’t fear a big baby

I’m going … are you?

 My running has waned since the rain and cold arrived … send me motivation

So much awesome going on in my oil Facebook group – have you joined?

Purchasing With a Purpose – yes and amen

Reading this

I think that’s it for today! I’m off to wrap some packages and mediate World War 18. Jem and Max have been in rare form lately and yesterday Jemma yelled, “Max, if you are not kind Santa WILL NOT bring your presents! Do you want presents? THINK ABOUT IT! BE KIND … OR ELSE!”

Yeah, so keep that in mind while we all focus on Jesus and giving to others. When it all comes down to it … it’s about being kind to get presents. #motheringfail 

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