23 Weeks

babymoon to CA

Did we leave our Disney loving kids behind and fly to California by ourselves for a little babymoon? Yes, yes we did! AND IT WAS WONDERFUL!

Disneyland and California Adventure without kids is a grand experience. Not relaxing per se (we walked 25 miles in 3 days!), but calm. We didn’t have little ones to keep an eye on, food to cut into bite size pieces, or bedtimes to worry about. The downside was, I couldn’t go on any of the wild rides. The upside though, Dominic buzzed through so many of the best rides thanks to the single rider line and I got to pin trade my little heart out while I waited for his return.

I was 22 weeks when we left and today, our first full day back home, hit the 23 week mark. I’ve slacked big time on these little updates and was recently reading back on similar ones from my other pregnancies so wanted to squeeze an update in! More on our grown-up Disneyland trip soon! 

How far along: 23 weeks

Gender: A boy! And it’s been so fun knowing for such a long time. We took the Harmony blood test this round and have known since I was 11 weeks!

Weight gain: I didn’t gain anything for the longest time, but now I think I’m officially +7.

Sleep: I finally got consistent with taking my mag calm and it’s doin’ wonders for me in the sleep department.

Best moment this week: Disneyland with Prince Charming, of course! And I felt great thanks to staying hydrated and taking breaks here and there.

Worst moment this week: Squishing in a middle seat on an airplane with big shoulders Dominic on one side and another dude on my other while pregnant made for a tight ride! I did try the Beecher’s cheese/fruit/cracker platter that Alaska Airlines sells and that snack made the flight pretty enjoyable. Yum!

Miss anything: California Screamin’, Splash Mountain, and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad … will have to make sure I’m sans baby in the belly next time I go to Disneyland.

Movement: Yep! This guy has some powerful kicks despite being the size of a grapefruit.

Cravings: Pretty sure that delightful cheese platter will be haunting me. And I can’t get enough of sub sandwiches with tons of oil and red vinegar. 

Queasy or sick? No, been good since about 15 weeks! 

Looking forward to: all this second trimester energy! It’s in full swing and I’m getting tons of stuff done … purging kids closets, selling stuff we moved with us that we shouldn’t have, organizing all the random corners, kicking off Bible journaling, prepping for Jemma’s 1st grade homeschool year … the list is long and as I check off each one, I feel so productive! Which is good. Because I know once the summer heat sets in and the third trimester arrives I’ll become a loungapalooza mama whale until baby’s birthday.

What Jemma thinks: “I mean, I think he’s going to be really cute, but I’m still sad I won’t have a sister.”

What Max thinks: “I finks he’s gonna be cute like baby Reid.”

What Reid thinks: He hasn’t said technically anything, but he snuggles my belly and pats it sometimes so I think he and his little sidekick are connecting :)

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