Eli — One Year Old

Well, happy 13 months, little buddy, Mama is only a few weeks behind on documenting your first birthday! Oops! Good news is, I didn’t forget to take photos of you in honor of your 1st birthday so at least these were timed accurately :) You are the cutest, squishiest, happiest, big little one year old! WE LOVE YOU! 


For your actual birthday celebration on September 15th, we celebrated with a Disney UP themes — you were the cutest Russell EVER! Family came over for breakfast and cinnamon rolls and you had a ball opening up presents. After, we snuggled up for a nap. I just love holding you and rocking you while you sleep. Always have, probably always will. It was such a good day celebrating YOU!


You are still as good natured as ever. You don’t sleep well, but everything else makes up for that. You love wrestling with your brothers and peek-a-boo is definitely your favorite game. You clap hands and dance and can’t “read” enough books. You’ll sit for such a long time turning pages … and sometimes eating/ripping them. 

You’ve been walking since right after your 11 month birthday — my earliest walker! — and we’re starting to hear more words from you. With so many people around, we anticipate so much of your wants and needs, you rarely have to ask for something. We’ll be practicing though … I know you have a lot to say. 

You’re holding steady at 6 teeth, thank goodness, because when new ones are brewing that really throws off your sleep. You nap once a day, usually from 1-3pm — give or take an hour because you’re the 4th baby and our schedule has to be flexible — and go to sleep around 8pm. If I’m lucky, you are in bed, my bed (lol!), until 7am. Some nights there are 2 wake-ups, sometimes it is much more. I’m savoring our middle of the night snuggles though, you will only be this little for a short time!

You’re so very good at just bopping along. You go with the flow, don’t fuss, and enjoy life as it comes your way. We so adore your sweet spirit and contemplative stares, you are such an observer! You are happiest when there is something to see and do. And when we have quiet home days, you go in search of adventure … flying up the stairs, tearing apart the playroom, licking the window trying to get outside, or riding on the PlasmaCar with Jemma or Max. I can’t believe a whole year has gone by! 365 days with you as my sweet boy! I will always and forever treasure your baby days. But rather than cry (oh, how I could cry), I’m choosing to embrace the fast and wild toddler months that are around the corner here … 







Eli’s One Year Old Favorites

Outfit: Rags to Raches rompers … no waistbands are your jam

Food: Grapes, meat, and toast

Outside Activity: Stroller walks

Inside Activity: Baths and anything with his siblings

Book: Planting a Rainbow

Toy: Playroom magnet board

Blanket: We love to snuggle up with your Aden + Anais Dream Blanket

Restaurant: Chipotle … barbacoa, crunchy chips, guacamole, and loud music!

Eli’s Stats

One his birthday he weighed 33 pounds on our home scale! Oh my! He’s wearing all 3T clothes and modified 4T pants – my mom hemmed a handful of sweatpant joggers so they wouldn’t be too long … took off 7 inches! We’ll learn your height at your wellness appointment in a few weeks.

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