This Month at Mom.Me


Before I hit you up with link for some of my favorite freelance posts this month, let me first say …

1) Selfie sticks are amazing! See above :) Mine came as a gift from Stitch Fix and I heart it big time. Plusalso, Stitch Fix as a Christmas gift is a total must. They have gift cards! And obviously, selfie sticks are a great purchase too. 

2) I have a fantastic giveaway going on TODAY ONLY on Instagram. Don’t miss out!

3) I’m 35 weeks pregnant today. OMG! That means I’m just 2 weeks away from being home birth approved! I have all my supplies, even a big stash of herbs just arrived so I can mix up my own postpartum sitz bath. I have this framed as my birth inspiration too. Big love. I just can’t wait to snuggle up this little guy.

And now, for your reading enjoyment …

3 Ways To Help Your Kids Cope With the End of Daylight Savings

This may not seem relevant to read right now, but I promise, sleep tips for little ones are never, ever irrelevant. Read on and feel free to chime in with what you’ve found most effective lately. I have a friend swearing up and down about this

4 Things You Don’t Know About Your Placenta

With this being my 3rd pregnancy, I know a lot of the normal development stuff. But placentas? They’ve been my latest interest and I’m super intrigued! Placentas are crazy amazing organs and if you’re pregnant, or have been, or think you might be someday … read up on placentas!

7 Things We Did To Pay Off $80,000 Of Debt

Debt sucks. Especially when you have a lot of it. And truly, getting out of debt sucks too. Most things worthwhile do because they entail sacrifice and hard work. As we near the end of the year and many of us start making goals for the New Year I figured you all might like to learn how Dominic and I paid off all that crazy debt. And, if you’d like a flashback … here is the post from way back when we announced our debt freedom.

Why I’ll Never Do Disneyland With My Whole Family Again

I mean, never say never, but seriously, going to Disneyland with just Jemma was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Neither of us will ever forget it. 

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