Eli — 8 Months

Eli - April 2018

This is Eli.

A gentle, roly, happy little bubs who bops along with his family and thinks life is grand 95% of the time. 

That remaining 5%? It has all been thanks to teeth. The same week that big sister Jem lost her two top teeth, Eli got his two bottom teeth. Back to back, all within about a 10 day spread. In the realm of cutting teeth, he did well. Some rough nights – extra snuggles and more nursing – but we survived. And now he’s got two little teeth that are just the cutest!

Since my last update, Eli has started eating big people food! We didn’t introduce our traditional avocado on his 6 month birthday because he had a cold, but the next week we did and he loved it! Since, he’s had gobs of different things, mostly nibbles off our plate. I still prescribe to the “food is fun until they’re one” philosophy so we’re primarily nursing and when it’s convenient, he enjoys sitting in the high chair and sampling whatever we’re eating. I’d peg his favorites as chicken, French toast, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, eggs, and on Mother’s Day he went to town on fish and chips! 

Eli weighs a bit over 28 pounds according to our home scale. Next month we’ll get official stats at his wellness appointment. He’s wearing at least 24 month clothes, often 2t, and today he had on 3t shorts. Baby’s got back! His rolls don’t slow him down though. He’s so very close to figuring out crawling. Right now he shimmies forward, sits up, pivots his bottom, and moves again. Sometimes it’s a flop forward with a wiggle scoot and push to reach whatever he’s after. Bottom line, he definitely moves!

On Mother’s Day, Eli said “Da-da” for the first time. So wrong! I may have heard a “Ma” also, but it was much more of a I’m so mad and almost crying kind of muffled “Maaaaaa”, not the sweet, identifying someone I love babble that “Da-da” was. Whatever. More words will come soon I’m sure :) For now, Eli is just soaking in life. Watching all that goes on. Staring at everyone and everything with his big, observant eyes.

His eye color is still a mystery. A friend was holding him just this week and commented on his green eyes, so it’s such a toss up! Since they change based on the day, I’m going to officially call them hazel like his Daddy and oldest brother. I’m also going to call them super handsome! You can swim in Eli’s intense gaze and when you do, it cracks a smile, and then a giggle, and often he leans in for a roly poly hug. That look is all love. Crazy how he say so much without a single word.

Eli loves piggyback Tula rides, stroller runs, reading stories, bath time with his brothers, rocking or nursing to sleep, and toys that shake or crinkle. He is the most precious, most loved, and most amazing little boy and we can’t imagine life without him! Happy eight months, sweetheart, we love you like crazy!


Jemma at 8 months, Max’s 8/9/10 month update, and like Eli, with Reid I was so inconsistent so the closest we’ve got is Reid at 10 months. Sorry little boys! I promise, Mama loves and adores you, I’m just not tracking milestones as thoroughly these days.


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