My Little Lovie …
You have blossomed this month! Your personality is captivating and your movement is endless. You laugh, smile, wiggle and on your 8 month birthday eve you started to … CRAWL! Ah! It’s hard to look back at the last month and summarize I’ll you’ve done – its been very busy, just like you :)
You are becoming more and more like a little girl each day. Your hair is filling out and you love to tug the curls that fall over your ear while you nurse. Such a sweet little habit. You have started to communicate – ALOT! We heard your first word babbles this month – “mamamamama” and “babababa”, in addition to the normal high screeches and low hums. You love to be heard :) You still have your same calm spirit; spending little moments observing everything around you. Daddy and I truly adore you and all you are becoming.
You are beginning to show real interest in food which makes sense since you also have developed the little pincher grab. To date, you are pretty indifferent about most foods. Apples, eggs and veggie puffs seem to be the only winners thus far, but we keep trying lots of variety and re-introducing things you’ve ignored in the past.
Even though I’m your mama I feel like we’re becoming the best of friends too. We share such special moments and go on so many adventures. I love having you in my life and can’t wait for all that is to come.
Hugs and Kisses,
P.S. Pictures this month were difficult! Jemma is a mover and could hardly sit still. Or upright. You know, it’s all about the crawling game now … How far can I get? How fast can I get there? What toys can I nab on the way?
Straws fascinate her like no other, the great outdoors, driving with the windows 1/2 down, piggybacks with the Ergo, riding on Daddy’s shoulders, visits to the Farmer’s Market, her auntie’s dog, crackling sounds
Bath time, which is crazy because last month she was a huge fan
24 1/2 pounds, based on our home scale
18-24 month size clothes
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wow… big girl…. crawling??? how exciting… she is so sweet… and those cheeks :)
i love this age with babies. they are so much fun! :) i kinda wish i could keep owsley in a bubble and make him stay this age for a while.
She is so beautiful!!! Are those the stickers you put on the onesies each month? We use those and I love them, wish I had them for my first.
How is she already 8 months old?? You were just pregnant like four months ago… right? Right? Time.Goes.So.Fast. Yikes. She is adorable – best cheeks ever!! Don't you love this age as you're really starting to see her personality come through? So precious.
Happy 8 months Miss Jemma!
Happy 8 months Miss Jemma! You too momma!!