Goldfish Munch Mix for Family Movie Night

You know how some families have really specific traditions?

Yeah, we’re not one of them. We’re more random. There is no Friday night pizza here or donuts before church every Sunday. In fact, we’re about to get real crazy and switch things up with Saturday night church. I don’t even bathe the kids on a set schedule, just as needed. We don’t set alarms in the morning and sometimes we eat the same thing for lunch all week long and then don’t have it again for months.

Perhaps it’s our homeschool schedule that leaves things more loosey goosey around here. Our time is fluid and we can kind of do what we want when we want to. Like exploring Pinterest boards, this one is a winner, and allowing them to prompt creativity in our regular school days. Or taking field trips to the daffodil farms because the rain suddenly clears. I like to call it flexible function. We do what we gotta do without being too rigid. 

But, with Daddy working long hours and us being away from our favorite family members and old friends, the kids needed something to look forward to. And what’s better than a family movie night? We don’t always do it on Friday evenings. Sometimes it’s Saturday nights or Sunday afternoons, but almost every weekend we try to find a snack we can all share and settle in for an old favorite. Or I force the kids to try something new because I’m a mean mom like that :)

This weekend, a musical is on the agenda and this morning we mixed up Goldfish Munch Mix to munch on while we sing and dance along!

Goldfish Munch Mix

If a family movie night is on your agenda … or any other family bonding adventure, here’s everything you’ll need to make your own Goldfish Munch Mix!


  • 12 ounces Goldfish
  • 2 cups mini marshmallows
  • 3 cups pre-popped popcorn (you don’t want warm popcorn to melt your marshmallows!)
  • 1 cup yogurt covered raisins
  • 2 cups apple chips
  • 2 cups of cereal that has larger shapes (versus crumbly bits that are hard to pick up)


Mix well by shaking in a large plastic bag or in a bowl with clean hands and serve. Goldfish Movie Mix is a super easy recipe for preschoolers and beyond to help with since the measurements are simple. Help them read the recipe and then let them take ownership of preparing their yummy movie treat!






What movies does your family love best? What snacks are frequent visitors when family movie night happens? 

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  1. says

    Newsies is a family favorite from WAAAAAY back! I can still sing most of the songs by heart. :)

    • Gretchen says

      They all came back to me too!