Max’s Sharktastic Birthday Party

Guess who is TWO today?

The ever adorable and sweetest little chunk, Max Valentine! That’s who! We celebrated Thursday evening with a few little friends at his shark birthday party at a local park. It was practically perfect …

It started out blustery – complete with flying away balloons – but calmed down in time for our guests, shark snacks and an explosion of presents. Totally Max style. max the sharkcameo shark 2 great white shark cupcakes ocean jello shark teeth shark watermelon shark party 13 shark party 14cameo sharkshark party 9shark party 15shark party 2 shark cupcake max party 1shark collage shark party 11 tmg and tpmthree shark boys shark party 5 max pary 4shark party 6 shark party 7

A high five and a thankful shark bite to my Madre, the best Mimi in the world, for being my #1 assistant and painting the rad shark photo booth #kindergartenteacherskillz and Aunt Kiki for carving the watermelon shark. Also, my dear Dominic for creating the most priceless photo of himself in shark mode – I obviously married a real killer :)

Max had a blast, much more so than his 1st birthday where he cried and nursed the entire time. I think the outdoors just suites him. On the contrary, Jemma informed me that, “I fink it’s pretty important that my birthday party be inside the house … that would just be best.”

Had the park not been so enticing to all the little guests I planned an evening story of Clark the Shark, one of our most favorites, and some shark coloring, but instead, we just played and played until the sun set :)

In case you can’t get enough of Max you can read his wild birth story here – unplanned home birth! And don’t miss my post, “How To Plan a Simple Birthday Party“. Other than the balloons flying off and people not RSVPing (why? why?) this party was quite stress free! And trust, the shark cutouts via my new Silhouette CAMEO were super fun and easy to make. CAMEO projects will be making a thousand appearances in my life.

Oh, and did you spy The Pierogie Mama and I up there? Yep, she made the drive with her littles to celebrate! What can I say, she’s sharktastic!

Happy birthday, Max! I’m so happy you loved your party – you’re my favorite little shark EVER!

UPDATE /// We were given a fun little award from Party Pail for Max’s party – exciting!

This post was sponsored by Silhouette America. No compensation was received, but I did receive a Silhouette CAMEO to review. It’s a must for party decor! Stay tuned for a DIY later this month!

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  1. says

    We love Clark the Shark here! Happy, happy birthday Max!

  2. says

    This is so cute! I always want to come up with adorable themes like this for birthdays and other celebrations but it just doesn't seem to be my gift!

    • says

      I'm hit or miss – sometimes I'm inspired and other times I'm like "cake, candles – done" :) We actually forgot to even light a candle and sing for Max!