Happy Golden Birthday, Reid!


Reid will always be the happiest way to begin a new year. 

Being due in late December I thought for sure I’d have a Christmastime baby. But no, Reid had other plans and laid his mark on a different holiday – New Year’s Day! And that means this year, his first birthday, is his golden birthday! Reid turned 1 on January 1st and we count ourselves so blessed to have him in our family!

We celebrated with a snow themed birthday brunch, a winter one-derland, in honor of our sweet boy. It snowed. Reid ate breakfast casserole and tore tissue paper from his gifts. We found a secondhand PlasmaCar that I think he’ll grow to love over the next year and we got him a fabulous toddler Tula because backpacking around is his favorite.

As with all my babies, I cannot believe another year has passed. Here’s a whole snapshot of Reid week by week! He’s such a little love! Seriously, this little boy is the definition of baby fever, lol!

At 1 year old Reid …

  • Weighs 28 pounds, 3 ounces and is 34 inches tall
  • Loves brushing his teeth, taking baths, climbing the stairs, and eating crunchy snacks
  • Sleeps almost 12 hours a night with 1-2 wake ups for a nurse or snuggle and naps once a day for about 2 hours snuggled between Max and I (family naps are how we roll!)
  • Nurses 3-4 times a day
  • Can say “mama” and “dada” and all sorts of babbling
  • Just learned how to wave
  • Has traveled a whole lot – to Yellowstone and Disneyland while I was pregnant and to Texas and Disneyland during his first year of life
  • Has no interest in walking
  • Is known as the happiest chill baby around

Happy birthday, Reid Rainier! Time better slow down because I’m not ready for you to inch towards 2! 

winter one-derland








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  1. says

    Plasma Cars are awesome! We bought one for Hunter a few years ago and he still loves it. The wheels can get stuck and stop rotating so keep your eyes out for that glitch. We call ours the Speedracer. :)

  2. Erin Vermont says

    I love the colour scheme you chose for his celebration!
    Such a beautiful boy. :)

  3. Kimberly Stoessel says

    Oh he is beautiful. Happy Golden Birthday to him.

  4. janie vezina says

    happy first birthday. such a cute baby, love the theme for his birthday party.

  5. Lauryn R says

    What an adorable little guy! Happy First Birthday!! :) I love the theme that you did for his birthday!