Lost In Motherhood + a Giveaway


Today, I’m away. 

I left my babies. I grabbed my husband and we drove away for a retreat. A time where I’m not mom, just wife. And just me. Something I haven’t been in almost 5 years. 

It has been a rejuvenating 18 hours thus far. I’ve wandered and slept and thought. Because when I’m not mom, what am I?

A mere 5 years ago I had a life outside of motherhood. It was full and wonderful. With a promising career, volunteer work, a vacation here and there and hobbies. Hobbies that didn’t include searching Craigslist for my daughter’s Christmas wish or sorting outgrown clothes into totes in the garage. 

It’s funny how things can change. Both slowly and so suddenly. I plunged into motherhood and often feel lost here. I’m always full of questions. Often ending the days in a stupor trying to calm my buzzing thoughts before settling in and anticipating the replay. Motherhood is a new land I’m still learning to navigate. And from what I hear, it will always feel new in many ways.

Still, it’s becoming a familiar land too. Like I’ve lived here forever. In the worry, the joy, the memories, the mistakes, the chasm that is motherhood.

Once I entered this land and owned the title of “mama” I’ll never go back to who I once was. It’s both terrifying and the most wonderful thought. I get to be a mother forever. What a priceless gift! My heart has forever been changed and I’m happy about that. I would have it no other way. Couldn’t dream of life without my children. But still, I wonder if I’ve let it become too much of me? Is there anything “just me” left?

I’m not the only one wondering this, right? 

Wait, I shouldn’t second guess myself. I KNOW I’m not the only one. That’s why I’m thrilled to embark on a search and discovery with some of my favorite mamas. You can come along too! 

Return To Me is an online mini course facilitated by Emily McMason, a brilliant parenting coach who brings wit and wisdom to the everyday encounters of parenting. This course has been on her heart for years and is coming to life at the perfect time for me. 

Do I have time for another commitment? No, no I do not. Do I need to make time for this course for me. To force a pause. To encourage reflection. To move forward with better priorities and balance. Yes, absolutely, 100%. 

I hope you’ll carve out some moments for you too. It’s just 6 weeks includes 4 workbooks and 2 Google Hangouts. 

Learn more about the course and enroll here to reserve your spot!

Of course, I wouldn’t have shared about this amazing course without giving one of you the opportunity to join us for FREE! Thanks, Emily! Enter below – class begins the 17th! If you enroll now and win the giveaway later, your course fee will be reimbursed. So don’t delay getting your reservation in and then enter and share this giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received a complimentary space in the upcoming course from Evolving Parents, no other compensation was received. All opinions are my own and I can assure you they’re honest and true. I’ve been a long time follower of Evolving Parents and have gained invaluable resources from their blog, podcasts and Facebook page – I 100% know this course will be one of those investments we look back on and cherish.

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  1. says

    Now that I’ve recovered from the “shock” of 2 kids and life with those two girls has evened out, it feels like that post partum veil is beginning to be lifted off my eyes and I’m thinking more about myself this time around, about my relationship with my husband. I don’t want to be in “survival mode” for parenting and my marriage! I’d love the opportunity to begin the new stage.

  2. Katie says

    Very timely for me as well. Sounds like a great discovery!

  3. Elizabeth says

    I think I could benefit from this class. I have lost site of what makes me, me. My energy has been caught up by parenting, grieving a stillbirth, and grieving over my marriage that is in trouble. I need to rediscover happiness.

  4. says

    The course sounds intriguing. Emily always offers valuable insights.

  5. Ashley Bree Perez says

    I love this (:

  6. megan says

    I can’t even tell you what I enjoy anymore. I need to see me again.

  7. megan says

    I’m surprised by how easy it was to get out and do fun things with 3 kids.

  8. jamie s. says

    I’m intrigued to to learn how to have interest of mine own without involving the family

  9. jamie s. says

    I am surpised at how much I love motherhood, it’s a love I can not describe

  10. Michelle says

    Excited to learn more!

  11. Michelle says

    With two kids I am surprised about the love they hold for me!

  12. Kristy says

    Everything about the course intrigues me!

  13. Kristy says

    The most surprising thing about motherhood has been how hard it was to return to work!

    • Gretchen says

      Right!?! That wasn’t easy for me at all!

  14. Elizabeth says

    I was surprised by the impact it had on my marriage.

  15. Mary Clements says

    i have been out of work due to a job relocation for my husband…I have always worked so this SAHM is new to me…I feel like I have lost my identity…

  16. Mary Clements says

    Baby 2 was a surprise, born 14 months after baby 1…i would say this is my biggest motherhood surprise!

  17. Mallory says

    No, no, you are not the only one who wonders what is left of a girl you once knew. Thanks for being honest and letting me know I am not the only one who asks these questions.