Beach life is the best life, right? It’s our favorite place to go as a family and despite a yucky bug traveling through the family on our little vacation – we had a fair amount of fun.
The rest of the summer is jam packed. Vacation Bible School for Jemma, swim lessons, birthday parties, family visiting, a trip to Austin for me (yay!), and then my sister is flying out for a few weeks. Literally we’ve got back to back fun on the docket! Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m excited for all of this. Buuuuut, I’m already a bit anxious for fall. I love regular week routines at home with the kids and Jemma and I are ready to kick off homeschooling with a bang. We even joined a co-op! It’s gonna be good!
Until routine arrives, I’ll be haphazardly piecing it all together and peppering you with tid bits along the way! Thanks for sticking with me!
So how do we hold on to love while doing “life” together?
Loved peeking into other’s homes in a non creepy way.
Use code REFER50 when you sign up for a 3 month Book of the Month subscription … that’s 3 hardback books for right around $20! I’ve received my first book and it is SO GOOD.
Important stuff about teaching consent to our children.
Oh, Bea! LOL!
Love this iPhone photo tutorial.
Can’t decide which one I … I mean Jemma … will love the most!
This + almond milk = divine. And yes, just go for the 4 pound bag, much better price/ounce.
Super excited to add a Grafomap to the boy’s room!
Such a simple nightstand.
Max has almost decided on a PJ Masks birthday party … have your kids discover this show?
Ooo! What’s your first Book of the Month??