I truly envy the mamas who have figured out how to nurse with their regular bras. By the title of this post, you’ve probably guessed that I am not that girl. These here nursing tatas need mega support during their lactating days. For real. End of story, no negotiating allowed.
Because of my fluctuation between nursing and not nursing I have two distinct bra collections – one stash suitable for breastfeeding and one that is definitely not. Both collections have a variety of sizes because if anything does a number on my bra size, it’s breastfeeding. I mean, had you told me it was possible to be a 32, 34, or 36 band and anywhere from a D to an H cup size in the matter of a year, I would have never believed you. Never ever. But, motherhood is full surprises and I’m living proof that boobs can pretty much explode overnight.
That’s enough lamenting though. Overall, I have loved each of my breastfeeding experiences. Throughout the years nursing Jemma, Max, and now Reid, I have learned that proper nursing supplies makes the whole shebang more enjoyable. After all, I nurse every few hours each day so access, support, and comfort is a must. That’s right, bras specifically designed for breastfeeding are a must!
These days I practically wear a nursing bra 24/7. The girls get no freedom. One, because it’s more comfortable to have support and two, my nursing pads need a home. One bra doesn’t quite cut it though, so, here’s the breakdown of my nursing bra collection!
Sleep Bra — My sleep nursing bras are mostly for comfort and to keep my nursing pads in place. I wear them at night. When I sleep. Self explanatory, obviously, but worth mentioning.
Nursing Tank — Sometimes I sleep in my tanks, but I also where them around home too. They’re not quite supportive enough for outings, but I won’t say I haven’t thrown on a sweatshirt and worn them on a quick errand.
No Underwire Bra — Underwire can do a number on a lactating breast. They create pressure points that can be the cause of clogged milk ducts. And those suck. So, my every day bra tends to be a well-sized (meaning it scoops and contains all breast tissue), molded cup nursing bra with no underwire.
Fancy Bra With Underwire — When “lift and separate” is my goal, I turn to my fancy underwire nursing bra. It’s the prettiest by far and gives me the best shape while still providing access for my little nursling. The key with choosing an underwire is making sure you have the right size. So, don’t fear underwire, just choose wisely.
I met the team from Bella Materna at MommyCon and loved their heart for nursing moms. They get it! They know what it’s like to need good support and still want to feel pretty. In their shop they offer all 4 of these options that are darn near necessities for breastfeeding moms. Take a peek and feel free to use this coupon for $5 off your purchase.
A special thanks to Bella Materna for all of their work providing mamas with breastfeeding support and for sending me the Sexy T-Shirt Nursing Bra. I love it!
Do you have any nursing sports bras? I always struggled with these before and especially being busty. With my first two kids I tried a too-big normal bra so I could easily lift it up (my least favorite way to nurse) but then it wasn’t supportive. Then I tried a zip-front sports bra. It worked, but A) it was annoying that it was completely open while nursing vs. just on one side and B) it sometimes randomly came unzipped while exercising! But. My mom ordered me the biggest size of this new nursing sports bra from WalMart and I actually really love it, shocking since $8!!
I don’t! On the rare occasion I do workout I tend to just squeeze into my regular sports bras then switch back to a tank or regular nursing bra.