When Books Become Movies

“This post was sponsored by Lionsgate as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.

We all know motherhood has catapulted me into a deep love for books. I’ve always been a reader, but this season is something special for me. I no longer read for assignments or extra credit. Nowadays, I choose my books and read them at my own pace. Books are my little bit of leisure. I think it’s the nonstop of the day that so often sends me running to my novels at night. Even if it’s just a chapter. That little escape refreshes me … big time. 

I have favorite authors and favorite genres that often guide my book selections. I’m part of a book club and most recently, I’ve found myself LOVING reading books that are on the docket to become motion pictures. It’s super fun to page through a book envisioning the characters and scenes and then later see how that all comes to life in movie form.

It probably doesn’t surprise you that Nicholas Sparks books have long been on my reading list. I think I’ve been following his stories since high school! His books are page turners, love stories, and almost always set in the quaintest of places. The perfect evening escape for a tired mama if you ask me! The Choice is his latest novel that is transforming from book to film and the debut is right around the corner … this week in fact!

the choice

In The Choice unlikely neighbors Travis and Gabby find themselves at odds. But opposites attract in so many love stories and that’s exactly what happens for these two on the coast of North Carolina. The two spend a whirlwind weekend together and then choices must be made. Is that too obvious? With the title being The Choice? Sparks always finds a way to intertwine intense emotion into his books and this one doesn’t disappoint. It left me reflecting on all the choices I’ve made in my life. There is no doubt that some choices in life set an irreversible trajectory.

Friday, February 5th is the big day … Nicholas Sparks’ The Choice comes to theaters! Catch a sneak peek below and tell me, who is headed to the theater with their girlfriends? I can’t wait to see more of the picturesque scenery and of course, find out if the book’s “happily ever after” aligns with the one portrayed in the movie!

Are you a Nicholas Sparks fan? What books of his have you liked the most? How about movies?

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  1. Bri Runde says

    I SO want to read this book and then see the movie!!! I always like the books better, but it’s fun to see the movie when we have that option. ;)