This year we’ve resolved to read more and screen less. Jem is thrilled, Max … not so much. Don’t get me wrong, Max loves books too, just not his top pick when put up against a movie. Jemma and I though – books4life!
I love that she loves books. And not just any books, she’s truly a connoisseur of beautiful ones. She’s drawn to quaint stories and fancy illustrations, like a moth to the light. Jemma talks about learning to read all the time and is actually making great strides thanks to this. She seems to have grasped very well that learning to read takes practice and thus, I often find her sitting alone, turning pages and sounding things out; using the pictures as a guide to stories from another world.
Books are truly a beautiful thing. They open up doors and worlds and imaginations. I’ve seen it first hand. Jemma’s eyes light up when she meets a new character and she laughs at funny scenes. She also asks questions – question after question after question. I love that about 4 year olds … never a dull moment, never a minute without a question.
Baby Lit books embody so much of what we love about books – gorgeous artwork, classic stories and an opportunity for learning. Each one has a focus on a new learning element so us mamas and dads can introduce our little ones to classic stories and classic concepts. Jungle Book introduces animals; The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, colors; The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn covers camping; Moby Dick delves into the ocean; and Sense & Sensibility, opposites.
There are 18 books in the Baby Lit family and a few extra treasures! Shop all the Baby Lit’s titles here!
Oh, and before you fill your cart, comment with a classic title you’d like to see Baby Lit put their spin on … I’m crossing my fingers for a Anne of Green Gables soon!
I recently became an affiliate with Baby Lit and was provided a few books to review. As an affiliate I earn a small percentage of any purchase made through my link. The cost to you stays the same.
The link you posted didn’t work.. :(
Fixed it! Thanks :)
I recently checked out the Moby Dick one at the library for my daughter. Now I feel the need to read the adult version. haha It has never been on my reading list before.
I feel the same! I’ve never read the classic Moby Dick. I want to dig into some of the Jane Eyre’s soon too!